
I'm New Here
Hello Friends,
I'm new here. Just got my private certificate about 2 months ago, and working on instrument. I'd like to find a good project to work on wroth my son and I'm leaning towards the RV 8. Having never flown or even sat in one, I was hoping I could find someone with an RV 8 here in Central Florida who might be willing to take me on a flight at my expense so I can see what its characteristics are like. Although I would want to sit in the front on the ground to see how it feels, I would not plan on flying. I would ride in the back.
The other thing want to do, is find someone in central Florida who is building any of the RV's and who would like some free labor. I would love to get hands on in the building process. I'm a diesel mechanic by trade, so it's not like having a complete idiot help on your aircraft. That said, I would bring a humble and teachable attitude in the air and in the shop. I will be the first to say that I don't know it all.
Thanks to anyone who can help.

Welcome Joshua.
You're doing it right.
Join EAA and find the local chapter. There you will find many willing pilots and builders.
Careful. It's the most expensive airplane ride you'll ever take. :D
Welcome to VAF!

Hello Friends,
I'm new here. Just got my private certificate about 2 months ago,

aboard the good ship VAF.

Congrats on the new ticket.
I bet you will have your ride in no time! One thing I wished I had done before building, is go to AirVenture in Oshkosh and spend as many days as you can. They have so many workshops going on all the time on everything from metal work to avionics. You can just wonder around from one to the next. I finally went last year when most my building was done and realized how much I would have benefited going earlier. Would be a great Father Son get away!
Hello Friends,
I'm new here. Just got my private certificate about 2 months ago, and working on instrument. I'd like to find a good project to work on wroth my son and I'm leaning towards the RV 8. Having never flown or even sat in one, I was hoping I could find someone with an RV 8 here in Central Florida who might be willing to take me on a flight at my expense so I can see what its characteristics are like. Although I would want to sit in the front on the ground to see how it feels, I would not plan on flying. I would ride in the back.
The other thing want to do, is find someone in central Florida who is building any of the RV's and who would like some free labor. I would love to get hands on in the building process. I'm a diesel mechanic by trade, so it's not like having a complete idiot help on your aircraft. That said, I would bring a humble and teachable attitude in the air and in the shop. I will be the first to say that I don't know it all.
Thanks to anyone who can help.

I was just in Lakeland for sun n fun and would have happily given you your first ride. I gave three first rides while there.

There are plenty of RV8's in Florida though, so someone will hook you up. I can describe the characteristics for you though...better than should be legal! Enjoy...and be ready to buy that tail after the ride!
Drive up to Ocala and you can see a bunch of RV's. I could also let you get your hands "dirty" a little if you want.
I was emailing you last week, if you recall, Jesse. I would be happy to get my hands dirty with you. Thanks for the offer. Not sure when that might take place, but I'll remember you.
ColoRV, I appreciate you're willingness (even if I found you a couple weeks to late). I had not yet discovered this website during Sun 'N' Fun, so I had no idea how to find people.
I would suggest that a ride in any of the 6-9 series will give you an appreciation of the flying characteristics (flippin' awesome, BTW!) so don't pass one up.

An 8 on the ground will give you the ergonomic feedback you need (don't forget the back seat, you'll be back there with your son up front, dontcha know :))