pierre smith

Well Known Member
This has really been a fun week with more aerobatics here than I've ever seen. A Mr. Eddie Merchant spent three days here, giving over 7 hours of dual in a friends Christen Eagle. Looking at our two RV's, my -6A and Brian's -4 was too much for him, so Brian offered him his -4. Eddie jumped at the chance and came back with that now-famous RV grin:)

So I said, lets go fly my -6 and he came back after rolls and such, with yet another RV grin. Later that day, a friend came by with his -7 for some of Eddie's aerobatic dual and the "grin" again appeared.

Dunno how many of you ever flew 3 different RV's in a day but here's the motley crew by Brian's -4 and Eddie's Aviat Pitts. Eddie far right, me, Brian and Larry.


Yes, it was fun indeed,
Hey Pierre,
I was at S-N-F having lots of experimental fun but would have loved to get some aerobatic instruction from Eddie. Is he or will he come back some time again for another secession?

Glenn Wilkinson
N654RV @ MLJ

Glenn, he'll be back in a couple of weeks and will give you dual in either his Pitts or your -4. If you'll email or PM me, I'll stay in touch. He also does wake turbulence and upset attitude training and is very, very good at what he does....quite a few very satisfied guys around here.
