
So you have a few different things highlighted which makes it difficult to determine what you mean by flat and aligned. At this point you are trying to do 2 main things. First, when you set the rib web on a flat table with it slightly weighted down the web should be fully against the table and the flanges should be at a 90 degree angle to the web. Second, if the web won?t sit flat then flute the flanges until it does, which should need doing on most flanges. If the flanges don?t sit 90 degrees perpendicular to the web then bend the flanges until they do, which may need to occur on some flanges.

The web will always need a little pressure to align all the flanges, but after fluting you should be able to see down the line of holes on the flange with just a little alignment of the forward and aft flange. The small tab with 2 holes will be clecoed into the spar so don?t worry too much about that.

I think that should provide some help, but if not please try to post a picture of your issue or narrow down which step.
Lots of adjusting

I recall a lot of adjusting being required to get the parts to align correctly. Some before me built a tool to accomplish the task .I just used a good flat surface, angle square, hand seamer, and fluting pliers. When the rib is placed on the flat surface with the flanges sticking up, it does not want to lay flat. A combination of adjusting angles to 90 degrees and fluting (to get the ribs to lay flat) is required. Do all-of this before dimpling the holes. It takes a while on the first rib then you will quickly see where the adjustments are needed on subsequent ribs.
The two tabs

...that rivet to the spar flanges do not need fluting. They may need to be adjusted to 90* bend to sit flat against the spar flanges, but they do not need fluting.

That tab is supposed to be offset just like you show. The main wing spar flange will sit between the tab and the skin so the skin will be flush against the spar and remainder of the rib flange. When the instructions say flat they are talking about the web, not the flange. The flange simply sits 90 degrees perpendicular to the web and the fluting aligns the holes of the flange from the base to the tip.