
On fuselage page 29-14 step 5, we are to cleco four parts to the side skin and flute as necessary. The F-01419 is .062" thick. The part is long and slender enough that it is easily flexed into position to eliminate the curve and get the holes to line up. When the wide forward end is clecoed to the skin, the aft end needs to be flexed up about 3/8" to align the holes. If this was thin material, this flexing would likely cause the flange to buckle But these are rigid enough that they just flex into position. I didn't think these could be or needed to be fluted but I called Van's builder support to be sure. I was told that it should be fluted or the stress in the part could cause a distortion problem. I took the parts out and tried to flute. Thin material is easily over fluted but this .062 thick material is almost impossible. With maximum effort I was able to make a flute only about .015" deep. Barely noticeable. I made a flute between each hole and that made no measurable change in the curvature of the part. I am about to use them as is and simply flex into position but want to know what others have done.
On fuselage page 29-14 step 5, we are to cleco four parts to the side skin and flute as necessary. The F-01419 is .062" thick. The part is long and slender enough that it is easily flexed into position to eliminate the curve and get the holes to line up. When the wide forward end is clecoed to the skin, the aft end needs to be flexed up about 3/8" to align the holes. If this was thin material, this flexing would likely cause the flange to buckle But these are rigid enough that they just flex into position. I didn't think these could be or needed to be fluted but I called Van's builder support to be sure. I was told that it should be fluted or the stress in the part could cause a distortion problem. I took the parts out and tried to flute. Thin material is easily over fluted but this .062 thick material is almost impossible. With maximum effort I was able to make a flute only about .015" deep. Barely noticeable. I made a flute between each hole and that made no measurable change in the curvature of the part. I am about to use them as is and simply flex into position but want to know what others have done.

I put the legs of the fluting tool in a vise. I actually over-fluted in 1 or 2 places and had to squeeze the flutes little (also in vise - well-padded). YMMV
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