
Well Known Member
I sent this to FltPlanGo Support last night:

"When I create a User Waypoint it shows the waypoint on the WAYPOINTS List within the MAPS > EDIT section. But if I make a second User Waypoint it says the waypoint was saved but does not show it on the User Waypoints List. If I delete the old one, make a new one then only the new one shows up. IOW it only shows the first User Waypoint I made, all others are hidden even when I activate the SHOW ALL selection.

Is the User Waypoint display limited to only one User Waypoint or am I doing something wrong? It seems the SHOW ALL button is not working."

Within 1hr they replied:

"Thank you for writing and including your user name. I am able to recognize the symptom you have noticed. I will report this and engineering will correct this or offer advice when the correction can be made. Sorry for any inconvenience this has created for you today."

About 10 minutes later I got this reply from their engineering team:

"Thanks for letting us know. We should have this corrected within the next couple releases of FltPlan Go, 5.0.5."

So it seems there is a software bug and they hope to have it corrected in update 5.0.5. AWESOME support from a FREE application!
