
Well Known Member
My FlyQ subscription is going to expire sometime this year. I've tried Foreflight in the past. They both work fine for me. However, I have a friend who has been using FltPlan Go for quite a while now. After poo-pooing it for quite a while I'm thinking of giving it a try.

So, for those who have used it, how do or did you like it?

How does it compare with the paid apps?

What allows them to be able to provide this product at no charge???
The No Charge part is easy. FltPlanGO is an outgrowth of, the single largest commercial flight plan filing system in the US. Our little GO app gets paid for by the services purchased by corporate flight departments etc. has several different aspects to their business - the GO app is a very small portion of what they do, and in fact it was developed as a means to allow their customers an easy way to use the flight planning data developed on their website.

I run FltPlanGO on an 8" Samsung S2 tablet, an original Nexus 7 tablet and a Nexus 6 phone. Because they have Canadian chart data available free of charge, it's the only alternative that wouldn't cost me several hundred bucks a year for subscription fees.

Plus they're just great folks to work with. There's nothing quite like getting an email response from their tech support folks after hours - that's when you understand they actually care about what they're doing.
Ive only used FltPlanGo and it serves all my needs for VFR local and cross country travel. I keep a paper chart for my local area just in case but I wouldn?t give up my flightplan go. ?Rubber-banding? may not work on other tablets so maybe someone else can chime in on that as it?s a very useful feature.

They say you?ll prefer the first platform you learn. Im glad I learned on the free one.

I don?t know how they fund it but I can confirm it is free and very welcome in this overpriced world of aviation.

So, for those who have used it, how do or did you like it?

How does it compare with the paid apps?

It's in a slightly different format and not very rich in features as FF. Symbology need to get used to if you used other apps for long time. It's a great resource for the price in my opinion. Using it would save you couple hundred petrobucks annually. :)
I've been using GO for 3 years and I've been very happy with it. I like to do my flight planning online at I download those flight plans to the Android app FltPlan GO at home via Wi-Fi. If you have Dynon's Wi-Fi dondle, the flight plan can be uploaded directly from FltPlan GO to Dynon SkyView.

Before Dynon came out with the Wi-Fi dongle I used to output the gpx file from to a usb flash drive and upload that to SkyView. I haven't used that path since I started doing it via Wi-Fi, I assume that path works as well.

What I do is do my flight planning with Skyvector then copy the resulting route and paste it into They'll update the detail nav log, estimate winds aloft, etc. All that transfers to the tablet FltPlan GO and subsequently to SkyView from the tablet.

All the standard charts, plates, etc. are also available for download to FltPlan GO.

All for free ...

Not yet available, but I understand their working on being able to display traffic and/or weather on the tablet as well but I have no idea when/if that'll be available.
The only reason I can think of is if you go with a Stratus. I used FltPlan Go until the plane I rented went with the Stratus transponder and the Stratus 2 as the in. Been using ForeFlight since. Yes I could fire up my stratux but one less item in the flight bag.
I've been a FltPlanGo user since they launched the app. First on iOS, and now Android. I understand there are some stability issues on iOS right now, but on my Android Samsung Galaxy S2 8" tablet it's rock solid.

As others have said, it's all free, so there's no reason *not* to try it. If you're familiar with another app, there will be a learning curve to figure out how to do things. Once you learn how FltPlanGo does it, you'll be just as functional as on any other app, FF included. It's not as friendly, but it is all there.

Tom indicated that traffic and weather weren't available... Actually, they are. If you have an internet connection, you can download weather live off the 'net. If you have a Stratux, or other compatible ADS-B-in receiver, you can get weather live through the 978 MHz UAT signal, and traffic through the 978 MHz or 1090 MHz signals. I have a Stratux, and really like getting traffic on the display. It's helped me find aircraft I wouldn't have seen otherwise. Weather is a little spotty here in Canada but it does show up when i'm high enough and close to the border, and remember to turn that layer on...