
Active Member
There have been various threads on this but would like to revisit with my current problem.

The good news was that I made my first flight in my RV-8 yesterday so that overshadows the minor problems.

I installed the Flow-Scan sensor as follows. The fuel pump is on the floor behind the firewall as per plans. On the other side of the firewall there is a 90 degree fitting followed by about 4 inches of straight hose to the transducer which is mounted on a bracket on the firewall. After the transducer is another 4 inches of straight hose going slightly uphill [per Dynon's instructions] and then it loops back to the mechanical pump, etc. etc.

Does anyone have this arrangement working successfully?

What I see with the electric fuel pump on are readings that approach reality but with only the mech pump the readings at idle are 0.6-1.0 gpm, sometimes going even lower. Fuel pressure is normal in the mid 20's without the elec pump. While flying the fuel pressure without the electric pump is solid at 29 psi at 22 in MP while the fuel flow reads only 4 GPH. The K factor was entered per Dynon instructions.

From what I gather from other threads my next move would be to either send the transducer back because it works for others installed the same way ---- OR..... to move it between the mech pump and the fuel injection servo on my new IO-360M1B [Precision Silver Hawk]

All opinions welcome!!

While I won't offer you any guidance with your fuel flow sensor (mine's mounted elsewhere in the line), I will offer congratulations on your completion and first flight!

You sound rather nonchalant about it -- let's hear some ENTHUSIASM!! :D

Again, a very hearty congrats!
Thanks for the congrats. It was exciting and there was a wide RV Grin.

Regarding the fuel transducer --- my fault completely. After removing all the firesleeve I discovered that it was in backwards. Saw on the Floscan webpage that "if you get values about half what they should be it may be in backwards".

Those that have and those that will!
LOL! Gotta love an easy fix, man. That's all that really counts. If you don't have any other bugs as you fly off your time, well ... you're probably lying. :D
