

I’ve pretty much finished the tail, yeah😃! Haven’t added the fairings yet. Still deciding if I want to do those latter when I get into glassing cabin top.

I have the quickbuild fuselage on the stand in the garage ready to go. Been looking at flow chart trying to decide where to pick up the fuse build.

If I follow the flow chart in the manual I start with section 32, attaching the tailcone to fuselage. Then the baggage compartment assembly follows.

Have any builders in this situation done things in a different order, and why.

Thanks for the advice.

I know in my build I did all sorts of things out of order. Just make lots of notes to help keep your head wrapped around things. Also read ahead to make sure you're not going to lock yourself out of another step and have to drill out a bunch or rivets or something.
IMO, do everything you can with control sticks, seats, fuel lines, brake lines, etc before attaching the tailcone. The tailcone makes the airplane long enough to seriously impede your ease of access in and around the shop.
There are things that you need to finish on the QB fuse. A rivet here, a bushing there, etc. You basically need to run through the build manual as you were building a slow build and check everything and do the missing parts. Especially torque all the nuts, they are not tight despite being marked red.
The RV10 Wiki has a few hints as well as VAF threads.
Finish all the work on the inside of the tailcone, it will be hard to reach soon. Put the rudder cables in, add rudder cable fairings, run the cables for the trim servo, the tail light if you need one, install the servos, install the pitot static system, install the seatbelt cables. If you are getting AC, do as much as you can before the join.
I'm building a QB RV-9. In addition to a rivet here, a bushing there, I see various temporary rivets. Some I know will be drilled sooner than later and others I'm not sure yet. I second going through the instructions step by step and inspecting the QB to verify each step.
I'm building a QB RV-9. In addition to a rivet here, a bushing there, I see various temporary rivets. Some I know will be drilled sooner than later and others I'm not sure yet. I second going through the instructions step by step and inspecting the QB to verify each step.

All the temp rivets need to go out, their purpose is only to give the fuse stability during transport. Nothing wrong with taking them all out after you receive the QB. A #36 drill bit works great for the 1/8 ones.
Check that no pop rivet remnants stay behind in the hole or hide in hard to get places. You will be putting pop rivets into some of those holes and close the area out for good.