mike newall

Well Known Member
We have an IO-360 180hp motor in an RV7.

Calibrated the Floscan for its generic value on the Dynon.

Just done a fill to fill test and we need to increase the flow indication on the Dynon.

Ran for 3 hours today at 5,000' leaned to 25 liters per hour at 22/22.

It later showed we were actually burning 30 liters per hour.

Does anyone know how much to increase the K factor to achieve an appropriate increase in the indication to represent what we are actually burning ?


If you look in your Dynon installation manual it will show you the mathematical formula you need to use to calibrate it after running a tank or two of gas through it. Hope this helps.
flo scan

I would advise keeping a log of fuel use and the corresonding fuel remaining from dynon and tweak it over a period of time rather than just one time as just having one wing a bit lower than the other can affect how much fuel you can get in before it gets to the bottom of the filler ports.
I "calibrated" my system over several flights. The process is simple.

New K = Old K * (fuel reported / fuel used)

Since the K factor represents the number of pulses for a unit of fuel to flow through the transducer, a higher value will reduce the reported fuel flow and a lower value will raise the reported fuel flow.

In you example, Dynon under reported so the above equation will lower the K factor and increase the reported fuel flow.

It's recommended to average several trips.

Make a note of four consecutive fills and the corresponding Dynon fuel used reports. Average the four fill numbers and average the four reported numbers. Then use these to make the K-factor adjustment as described above.
We agree with Glen. I'd put at least 100 gallons in to calculate the adjustment. However, if you are that far off, you can do a rough adjustment to get close based on the formula in the manual and then do your finer adjustment on the flow after that.
Thanks guys.

Normally only part fill tanks so we can aerobat, however we can do comparative tests over a few weeks.
