After 50 hours my FlowScan Fuel Transducer (not the Red Cube) started giving erroneous readings. After carefully calibrating the K-Factor and generally reliable service ever since, the fuel flow suddenly became unreliable. Where it used to indicate 5 gallons per hour in cruise it now indicates between .7 and 1.0 with the engine running normally. The K-factor remains unchanged. Any ideas where to start troubleshooting? I would think that since the readings are steady and not erratic, that the electrical connections would not be suspect. Any possibility of debris restricting the rotor? Calls to Dynon and FlowScan were of no help. Anyone else encountered a similar problem?
First thing to check would be to remove it and check for debris, this would prevent the little rotor from turning.
Double check the crimped connections

Pulse count is from a square wave count that can act strange with a poor or failing terminal or ground connection.
I know this is not the answer you are looking for, but I pulled mine to replace it with the Red cube. I have been much happier and much more accurate with the RC.
....... I pulled mine to replace it with the Red cube. I have been much happier and much more accurate with the RC.

But then again - my red cube failed after my first ground run and had to be replaced. Under warrantee of course. Van's took care of it pronto - just a nuisance changing it out.
After 50 hours my FlowScan Fuel Transducer (not the Red Cube) started giving erroneous readings. After carefully calibrating the K-Factor and generally reliable service ever since, the fuel flow suddenly became unreliable. Where it used to indicate 5 gallons per hour in cruise it now indicates between .7 and 1.0 with the engine running normally.

Problem solved! I re-crimped the connectors at the transducer and that didn't solve anything. I then bit the bullet and removed the FloScan transducer from its mount and fuel lines. I then used carburetor cleaner to flush out the transducer. Reassembled everything and fuel flow indicated normal. No debris was found but there must have been something clogging it up.

Thanks for all the suggestions. I knew my best chance was to remove and clean the transducer.