
My wife and I just got back from a trip to Florida from Arkansas. Logged over 1600 miles in our RV 4. Our 1st long journey. Visited our son and new granddaughter in Melbourne. Toured the warbird museum in Titusville. Flew as close to Cape Canaveral as possible, saw the launch pads, assembly buildings, skid strip, and shuttle landing site. Stops along the way to and from were made at Greenville Alabama, Live Oak Florida, Cross City Florida, and Greenville Mississippi. Can't wait to take off on another trip.
Wish I had known you were coming. I used to live summers (I was in college) in Fairfild Bay back in the early 70's. Bet things have changed a bit since then. I once flew in to Heber Springs from Kansas. But glad you had a good time.
Jeff, the 1st night I kept our plane at the Melbourne airport. The next day I moved it to Merritt Island. A really nice airport with lots of friendly people. The service at the FBO was excellent, and they didn't charge me anything for parking. Great place to visit, will look you up next time there.
Jeff, the 1st night I kept our plane at the Melbourne airport. The next day I moved it to Merritt Island. A really nice airport with lots of friendly people. The service at the FBO was excellent, and they didn't charge me anything for parking. Great place to visit, will look you up next time there.

Merrit Island is one of my favorite airports! And you have to post pictures when you have a trip report!
You could have parked in my hanger! But COI (Merritt Island) is a great little airport with a lot of experimenters.