
Well Known Member

shot these two pics in the early morning, cold and clear, with the rising sun at my back i banked to the left and clicked. this is east of sebring along the kississime river. new canon pwershot 12 mpix.:cool:
Nice pics

Nice photos Turbo. It had to be cold though. I live almost directly across the state from you and it was cold here.

Well, I guess cold is relative. The folks north of us might have a different opinion.
Great shots, Turbo.

We are headed for Sanibel in 12 days for our annual 30 day break from rotten mid west weather. We've been renting the same condo at Loggerhead Cay for 12 years and it is one of the last things we will give up as life goes on. It will probably wind down to the the RV for me and the condo rental for my wife. We enjoy both very much. :)
Great photos


You're killing me.
Driving up I-75 just prior to dawn (6:50 On my way to work) I was thinking how nice it would be to go on a long flight through the middle of the state. Beautiful stratocumulus glowing orange as the sun came up. Minimal haze - CAVU. Wish I had the same opportunity.....

Enjoyed meeting you last weekend. Hope to see you soon
Okay, I'll bite... just how cold was it?

I know it may surprise a lot of folks, who are experiencing cold, snow, and horrible weather all across the continent. But here in western Oregon it's not bad. Even as far north as we are, daytime temps are in the mid-50's, lows at night in the mid-40's, and overall, it's just mild and typical winter weather for this time of year. Lots of clouds, lots of rain, and some wind now and then. But we haven't had so much as a snowflake all winter. At least not yet, anyway.

The one big drawback: it's not VFR flyable weather. But whenever I complain about the rain, my father, who grew up in Nebraska, says to me "at least you don't have to shovel it"
How Cold?

well i would say it was about 35 F. it has been record breaking cold this winter. we are wimps down here for sure. :eek:

I feel like I was just inside that plane with you!


I was!

Nice pics! See you soon!

Keep in touch!

:) CJ
Captain John.....

it was a lot of fun flying together and visiting rv folks. looking forward to the NE flying this summer. later. turbo
