
Well Known Member
Hello all,

I'm getting ready to reattach the wings as I finish up my RV-7 project. I installed a flop tube in the left wing back in 2009 (yes, it's a slow build).

Do flop tubes have a life limit? Do they lose flexibility over time? Mine hasn't been immersed in fuel which I assume would age the rubber interior but all hoses have a life limit and I'm wondering if the flop tube should be replaced?


IMHO, you will get all kinds of comments by asking on the internet.

The best way is to phone or email Van's Aircraft and ask them.

I have flop tubes in both tanks flying over 20-years. 8 to 10-years ago, I had tanks off for a Service Bulletin and purchased two new flop tubes to replace when they were open. The 10-year old hoses were inspected then found to be as good as the new ones so were left installed. The new ones sold on VAF classified at a discount.

IF you do not wish to call Van and have a concern about the old flop tube(s) then the best thing would be to replace them.
IF you do not wish to call Van and have a concern about the old flop tube(s) then the best thing would be to replace them.

I don't really have a concern, it's more of an interest item which is why I'm willing to post the question online - I was looking for experience such as yours.

If when the wings are on the flop tube flops as it should and I don't have much unusable fuel in the left tank, I'll be happy!

Thanks very much for your reply.

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(yes, it's a slow build).

That's nothin' ... I closed up the tanks on my SB -8 wings in 2007 :eek: (and I am nowhere close to flying...)

Have been wondering the same thing myself. They've been sitting vertically in a stand, so if the tubing got stiff it probably isn't in the bottom corner...
I installed my flop tube circa 1999. It has been in service since 2007. It?s definitely something I?ve thought about, but thus far I haven?t had any trouble with it. I regularly do sustained inverted flying with as little as 6-7 gallons in the tank. It?s still going strong despite the abuse.

BTW, I once measured the unusable fuel in a level attitude. The right side with the fixed tube was 4 oz and the left with the flop tube was 13 oz.