
Well Known Member
I'm trying to install the plateneuts for the front floor. I've done a few but the ones in the corners are basically impossible with the Avery handsqueezer. It is too tall to set the rivets straight. Likewise, the rivet gun is too fat to get close enough to the side skin to set the rivets neatly. How do I get in close to the skins and bulkheads, expecially at the corners. I've looked for an offset or double offset flush riveter for the gun but Avery don't sell them.

Any other ideas?


Ken Stanton
QB 8
Had the same probelm myself. I endd up using pulled rivets at the locations I couldn't reach with the squeezer. Spruce sells some little bitty #3 flush pulled rivets that worked just great. I know we hate the idea of pulled rivets, but I can live with a few under the floor panels.

Steve Zicree
Now I can see the advantage of the pneumatic alligator squeezer. I have managed to play the edges of the squeezer and rivet gun and install some An426-3 rivets to hold the platenets now but next time I'll be using the blind rivets I think. then again, if there is a next time I probably should invest in the pnuematic squeezer.

Thanks for the help.
