I'm not considering it, but has anyone ever seen an RV on floats? Is is possible?

Google search photos for - RV-6, floats

You should find the two (a 6 and a 7) that are most well known. There have been at least a couple of others.
I believe there was a 9 built in Alaska with floats. Big downsides: much more drag/slower speeds/higher cylinder temps etc. Low-wing airplanes are not very easy to dock on floats (how many other low-wing float planes have you ever seen....).
Eustace Bowhay

I think Eustace was the first. I'm sad there are so many who don't know about this key person in the RV community.
(how many other low-wing float planes have you ever seen....).

Not many, but there are a few unusual ones....
