Ex Bonanza Bucko

Well Known Member
This is very plain and easy to understand. Rotax should be proud.

But the narrator belongs in a Boris Karloff or Alfred Hitchcock movie playing the ghoul. I hate to be catty but this guy obviously flunked all the customer relations training he ever took. :)

If you ran into a bank teller who talked like this guy you'd get a new bank.


This is very plain and easy to understand. Rotax should be proud.

But the narrator belongs in a Boris Karloff or Alfred Hitchcock movie playing the ghoul. I hate to be catty but this guy obviously flunked all the customer relations training he ever took. :)

If you ran into a bank teller who talked like this guy you'd get a new bank.


I ..... think .... his ..... diction ..... is ..... just ..... swell...., .... and ..... a .... speech ..... recogition ..... program ..... would .... not .... have ..... any ..... problem ..... transcribing .... what .... he .... says.

Then again, it has already been transcribed, cuz all he is doing is regurgitating what can be read in the SB.

This is very plain and easy to understand. Rotax should be proud.

But the narrator belongs in a Boris Karloff or Alfred Hitchcock movie playing the ghoul. I hate to be catty but this guy obviously flunked all the customer relations training he ever took. :)

If you ran into a bank teller who talked like this guy you'd get a new bank.


Is this:-

A Monthy Python sketch?

The voice of Forrest Gump's European cousin?

Listen up *******?I'm only going to say this once!

It's spoken in THAT way. You know, like when your Mom was mad and said all your names in a loud slow way like if I have to say this again you're in deep

Can you imagine if the 2 week school was like this?
That is ALMOST as bad as my Garmin for my car. A few years back I was on a family outing with my kids in tow when I missed the turn onto Regina Street and the voice chimed in replacing the R with V and changing the short i sound to a long "I" sound. I thought surely that did not just say that, then I thought I could just ignore it, but the GPS insisted on repeating itself with ever increasing consistency. I finally just had to pull over to find the mute button, but by then everyone was dying from laughing so hard.
That is ALMOST as bad as my Garmin for my car. A few years back I was on a family outing with my kids in tow when I missed the turn onto Regina Street and the voice chimed in replacing the R with V and changing the short i sound to a long "I" sound. I thought surely that did not just say that, then I thought I could just ignore it, but the GPS insisted on repeating itself with ever increasing consistency. I finally just had to pull over to find the mute button, but by then everyone was dying from laughing so hard.
Yes, we had a very similar problem with Kunz Rd. Just sayin'
Engineers and technical types are stereotyped as being the WORST presenters. The stereotype is, unfortunately, usually accurate. I have sat through hundreds of excruciating presentations where the engineer READS slide after slide of text bullets. ARGH! What a waste of bandwidth.
Computer 'Voice' ?

This is so funny - can't be a human, right? Maybe a computer? On the other hand, it's a heck of a lot better than my German!!:)
When we got our first car and truck that had the little lady's voice telling you where to turn and then sweetly telling us to go back to where we missed a turn I thought I was gonna get rich by recording all that stuff with a voice like Luis Armstrong's telling us the same stuff but also with a little light profanity tossed in. That would have been fun and I woulda gotten rich. But some guy beat me to it.

Problem is now I don't know where to go to buy that bunch of recordings. I'd love to load that into my Skyview so when the little lady tells me there is "Traffic, Traffic" the Skyview would instead say...."Hey dummy you just missed that Beech Baron that almost ended your day."

Would be fun.

Imagine Nicholas Cage doing the narration. Or a good impersonator. That would be GREAT! Maybe this is some kind of spoken equivalent of Autotune set to "Newscaster on Meth."
Anyone been able to find the parts needed to conduct this inspection? I haven't been able to locate them.
Test parts on backorder

I called Lockwood in FL a few days ago and they added my name (to many others) on a list for the parts when they come available from Rotax. Didn't sound like that would be imminent, but no ETA was provided.
I watched the video, read the S/B, read the blog, and I ordered two gaskets and my wife brought home a large medical syringe with a long needle on it - I had another similar one from a BBQ supply shop...

Does anyone see a problem doing this test with your own syringe so long as it is capable of measuring the CC's described and fits in the opening and can dispense the fuel without getting air in the syringe?

Then of course so long as everything checks out and you use the proper replacement gaskets....
I watched the video, read the S/B, read the blog, and I ordered two gaskets and my wife brought home a large medical syringe with a long needle on it - I had another similar one from a BBQ supply shop...

Does anyone see a problem doing this test with your own syringe so long as it is capable of measuring the CC's described and fits in the opening and can dispense the fuel without getting air in the syringe?

Then of course so long as everything checks out and you use the proper replacement gaskets....

My guess is that, at the end of the tube, you have to have the proper end-of-the-tube widget to plug into the hole in the carburetor, so the homebrew solution may not work.