
Was reading one of the links from the front page and started surfing around. Ran into this article:

Has anyone done this or considered doing this for their RV? Just wondering what success they've had. I know GRT has virtual vision...but FLIR takes it a step farther. Just for simple night flying it would help, especially in western/central TX where you sometimes fly into "black holes".
Being in the military and working with all the FLIR systems we have, let's just say that's one area I'm glad we're spending tax money on and am really glad we've got it and not the other guys! ;)

It's the camera that's pricey

I've got th OP Tech system, the upgrad for FLIR isn't all the costly (relatively) BUT the cheapest FLIR camera I could find was $13-$15K !!!! That made my decision.

Interesting, flying off a FLIR could be usesful, as long as it's it's boresighted with the centerline of the airplane and presented in HUD format were you're using it to see the landing environment. This synthetic vision stuff is pretty complicated $$ stuff.

In a typical FLIR you're using it to look over an area to suport a mission like SAR or hunting for bad guys. Using it as a reference for flying the airplane .... not so much.

I used to let the guy in back work the FLIR, and had the screen on my panel off, particularly at night on a hardball approach, it's hard enough flying the ball.

Night flying of this sort takes lots of training and proficiency.
Build one yourself

For maybe $100 you can build one yourself.
All you need is any CCD camera, IE webcam or an old digital camera. You just need to have Video out on either type if not connected to a pc.
This is what you do, open up the CCD and remove the lense assy. You will find a blue filter this is the ifra-red blocker ! Just remove it ( blue filter ) and your done. It will be no good for day time use now without more mods, but just a quick and dirty FLIR. you will also need to make a simple IR spotlight.

More details are all over the web, just google " ccd ir mod " etc

Please fly safe and dont use this as primary visual ref !!!
just a fun project to try.

Greg, the 7A is a good choice !!

A while back a guy from L3 was talking to me about their system. It is basically the sensor that comes in certain cadillac models. I was thinking that when I'm ready to install the avionics in the airplane that I'm yet to start :rolleyes: I'll buy the system from a junkyard or get a used cady, take what I need and sell it back and try to get most of my money back. The sensor gets power, ground and video out. It has 4 pins if I'm not mistaken.
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