
Well Known Member
I wanted to get some feedback from those of you who own and currently use the Flightcom 403 intercom.

There has been a few posts about the squelch control being less then optimal when using different headsets with different mics. Have you had any issues with different headsets plugged in at the same?

Overall are you pleased with it's performance? Would you install it again or would you opt for another brand?

Thanks for the input.

RV-7A finishing kit
Pmerems said:
Overall are you pleased with it's performance? Would you install it again or would you opt for another brand?

Yes, Yes, No :)

Works great... didn't notice the squelch problem.. and we normally fly w/ two different types of headsets (Halo and a regular ANR set)..

No, no, Yes...
I'm one of the guys replacing mine with PM3000.
PM 1000 would have been fine but I wanted the ability to tie in audio inputs from other sources.
The FlightComm works! it is just that I would like it to work better.
The costs difference , 150 to 300 (or 400 for the 3000) isn't a big deal in airplane dollars, to get better engineering or at least more features that help improve listening quality. Heck, the wiring harness was 240.00!
I have been too busy flying with the nice weather to install the new intercom, so that tells you something, and once I do install it, I may have a different opinion.
I purchased my RV-6 flying some 6 years ago or so and the FlightComm was already installed.
Good Luck
Radomir said:
Yes, Yes, No :)

Works great... didn't notice the squelch problem.. and we normally fly w/ two different types of headsets (Halo and a regular ANR set)..
Me to, same set up!