Robert M

Well Known Member
Does anyone kwon which wires to connect these two units together? I will have ptt on control sticks & an AUX connection for Sirius radio.

The answer from Icom

...for the 50+ people that read the thread (and everyone else that is interested).....

I got a reply from Icom about which one of the out going pins I should connect
the 403 to. They said:

Flightcom 403 ICOM A210
transmit keyline Pin 9 PTT
receive audio Pin H Headphone Jack
transmit audio Pin J Microphone 1
ground Pin 8 grd - for audio and PTT

That was a big help and I understand what I need to do.
Old thread it helped me a lot!
But a question about the wiring;
Do you need to use shielded wires between the Flightcom and the Icom?

Thanks, Joeri.