
Active Member
Here's a question for anyone who has encountered this: I installed a GRT Sport EFIS along with a Flightbox Stradux ADSB receiver. Wired it all up per the instructions with a USB to serial out cable provided by Flightbox. All was great. Worked fine.
Now, Flightbox has published a new version of the firmware (V 1.4r4). Installed this version and, zip zap all was great, except the GRT now cannot receive the Stradux serial data. The Stradux seems to still be working fine since the wifi output displays all correct data. Flightbox seems to have changed something with the serial output stream. ??? I've tried changing the baud rate in the GRT but nothing seems to be working. I guess I'll have to figure out how to go back to the old version of the Stradux firmware.
Did you contact OpenFlightSolutions and what did they say?

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Open Flight Solutions is in the process of moving their office and are very busy. I am sure they will give me a reply when they can. I just thought I would post it here in hopes of a quick solution.
You may have to restore your old FlightBox software. When I did the same conversion you did I had Steve Sokol send me a new data card with the beta software for the transmission of the serial data to my GRT Horizon WS. The upgraded version you installed may not have the beta serial data in it.
OK. My bad. Seems as if I just didn't go high enough with the baud rate. Kept setting it higher and higher and finally it locked in. All seems well now!
Similar problems

What baud rate did you end up setting on the serial port?

Been trying to get my Stratux to talk to GRT for a couple of weekends. Used the RPi3 download from GRT site with all settings as suggested by Jeff from GRT.

Appreciate your comments.
If I'm not mistaken, GRT has previously recommended that ADSB-IN requires a high-speed serial port at 115,200 baud. Maybe that's just my memory playing tricks on me but I know that's what my HX is configured for to talk to my ADSB-In receiver.

There's a whole lot of data moving on that interface, so high speed seems to make sense.
If I'm not mistaken, GRT has previously recommended that ADSB-IN requires a high-speed serial port at 115,200 baud. Maybe that's just my memory playing tricks on me but I know that's what my HX is configured for to talk to my ADSB-In receiver.

There's a whole lot of data moving on that interface, so high speed seems to make sense.

If you?ll check the GRT Support web page under Miscellaneous Support, Equipment Suppliment, ?Stratux ADS-B Raspberry Pi? document you will see under section 2.1 it says to set the baud rate at 38,400 and indicates a higher baud rate may be utilized in the future.

Sorry I didn?t see this on my earlier post.