
Well Known Member
Out of curiosity I typed in my RV-10's number into google and I discovered Flightaware.com. On that site I can track every flight I've made over the past 4 months, complete with altitude, speed and position for the duration of every flight. I was amazed, but also a little concerned. This just seemed a little too 'Big Brother'-ish for me. I'll assume it's getting all this info from my ADS-B system.

I also looked up my flight club's ancient Cessna 172 and found virtually no data (it doesn't have ADS-B yet).

I don't have anything to hide from anyone, but I also don't want everyone and their brother to know where I've been and what I'm doing. Is there a way to legally turn off whatever's broadcasting this info to the public, or is this just the way of the future from here on?
If you?re 1090ES ever flight is logged by non-government Flightradar24.com. The only way to stay anonymous after complying with ADS-B is to have a UAT Out system that has an anonymous mode when squawking 1200.
ADSB exchange is a bit of a joke, it has shown our little plane leave Phoenix and fly none stop to the west coast of Africa, even with the tip tanks, that’s a bit of a stretch

It being a volunteer website, the “owner” doesn’t like being told the site has issues
In today's world, privacy and anonymity are limited to those who are willing to withdraw from most of what we think of as "life". There are cameras everywhere, most of use use mobile phones, social media, and credit cards - it's insanely easy for someone to know pretty much everything about us. My goal in life is to bore them to death...

To me, the value of someone knowing where I am in case of a forced landing or accident and the ability to see traffic and weather far outweighs any need or desire for anonymity.

Some privileges (driving, flying) require a willingness to give up some privacy and most folks accept that. I do like the fact that unlike in the driving world, if I make a mistake (bust airspace or similar) I can file an ASRS report anonymously and have some protection from reprisal.
My GDL-82 has the anonymous mode and I use it all the time now.

I had some issues early on with my transponder antenna and my GPS antenna location and poor PAPR reports while I was trying to pass the test for the rebate. So I flew with it in the normal mode to get my reports and make sure my problem was gone. Everything is perfect now and I fly in anonymous mode unless I know I want to pull a PAPR report for a particular flight.

In my opinion signing up to "block" my N number will only raise more concern with those you are asking to block your N number and you'll get put on another list. :eek:

I understand that we all have little privacy left these days but I would like to protect what little I have left. Keep 'em guessing I always say.

Where does it end? :D
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Not worried about flight privacy

I have a PiAware receiver feeding data to FlightAware and as a perk for contributing to the FlightAware network I receive a complimentary Executive level FlightAware account. One feature of the account is having a text automatically generated from my ADS-B data and sent to my bride whenever N399SB takes off or lands.

I don't worry about "privacy" when I fly, I've been broadcasting APRS tracking data to the world for over ten years. When you consider everyone has a camera (and Facebook or YouTube account) it is practically impossible to be stealthy. I consider the public nature of my flight tracking to be a considerable enhancement to flight safety.
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"I can file an ASRS report anonymously and have some protection from reprisal."

Hi Turner,

Exactly how does this work?
One thing to consider is that there is a growing segment of the non flying public that uses ADS-B tracking as a "hobby". This might sound like a good thing until you recognize that plenty of them are borderline conspiracy theorists. I had such an individual as a co worker. He jumped on the "tracking" bandwagon and every monday morning had to tell me about some new "covert government op" that he had unraveled. Just like all the youtube videos that "prove" the chemtrail nonsense, logic will not disuade them from their theories. In fact, it only seems to make them spiral deeper into fantasy land. And if you have seen the vitrol that spews from the mouths of some of these youtube narrators, it is very easy to imagine that given the chance to extract revenge, they would.

I have nothing to hide, but at the same time I'd rather not provide "proof" that I was anywhere at any time. When I want to be tracked on a long cross country, I turn on the Spot and send the link to a select group of friends. Beyond that, I'd like to keep my travel plans secret from the world.
As more and more airplanes install ADSB, the benefits of APRS decrease. I have both but probably not for much longer.
Remember that the "B" in ADS-B stands for "Broadcast."

You can't exactly call it "Big Brother" when somebody listens to what you're actively broadcasting.
"I can file an ASRS report anonymously and have some protection from reprisal."

Hi Turner,

Exactly how does this work?

Different Turner, but I’ll answer.
When you send in an ASRS report it goes to NASA. They remove your identity before forwarding it to the FAA. Filing a report provides some protection from penalties if there is an FAA action anyway.
Remember that the "B" in ADS-B stands for "Broadcast."
You can't exactly call it "Big Brother" when somebody listens to what you're actively broadcasting.

I think the point is that "Big Brother" is the one requiring that you Broadcast this information.

I've filed many ASRS reports and understand the process. My point was that you cannot FILE one anonymously.

I've filed many ASRS reports and understand the process. My point was that you cannot FILE one anonymously.

Your report is separated from your personal information when submitted so in that sense it?s anonymous. You have to identify yourself in filing to gain the protection.
As more and more airplanes install ADSB, the benefits of APRS decrease. I have both but probably not for much longer.

Yeah, and I'm also wondering about the ancient ELT that's still required in my C172 which as of last September has an Appareo Stratus ESG (ADSB out). Granted, ELT's and ADSB transponders don't do the same thing, but really, in this world of ADSB, radar, cell phones and satellite imagery, is that 1970's vintage ELT still necessary?
Yeah, and I'm also wondering about the ancient ELT that's still required in my C172 which as of last September has an Appareo Stratus ESG (ADSB out). Granted, ELT's and ADSB transponders don't do the same thing, but really, in this world of ADSB, radar, cell phones and satellite imagery, is that 1970's vintage ELT still necessary?
The biggest factor of the ELT is that it operates independently of the aircraft's electrical system.
As more and more airplanes install ADSB, the benefits of APRS decrease. I have both but probably not for much longer.

The APRS tracker in my plane is most likely on borrowed time, too. But it still works very well and doesn't require any attention on my part and the aprs.fi web interface has proven to be more reliable than FlightAware's map.
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