I'm New Here
doug tell me if this is post is appropriate-my son lives in new york working for an aussie bank and has expressed a desire to learn to fly-any members can recommend a flight school for this purpose?seems the gene may have passed on!
thanks paul #703

Have him check with Oldbridge Airport (K3N6) in Englishtown, NJ. It is a bit of a hike from The City but doable.
He can train at either Farmingdale(Republic) or out at Islip. There was one out at Shirley but I haven't been there since 1980:eek: so I don't know if it still exists. These are all out on Long Island.
brookhaven airport

Nassau Flyers at republic is where i git my ticket and mid island avia5tion is at brookhaven airport near shirley that is where i am currently doing the 25 hr test flight regiment on the 8a i co-built. there are 5 rv's on the field.

NJ Flight Training

Hi Paul,

Going to an airport to get flight training from the city will involve some drive time anyway so perhaps he should check out airports in NJ. Both Morristown (KMMU) and Caldwell (KCDW) are both easy to reach from the city and have flight schools. I started my flight training at MMU but with it being under the NY Class B and it being a larger towered airport, I spent a lot of time waiting on the ground and driving the 152 around the taxiways. MMU was great however once I had my ticket and I was in a flying club there.
Somerset (KSMQ) is my alma mater and is just off of Rt 78 and out from under the Class B. Flight training at a little airport in rural NJ where things are quiet just can't be beat. It's easy to get to and worth the little extra drive from the city.
Perhaps take a look at these options.

thanks for the above posts.I have been away for the last week flying the 7A-sorry for the delay in replying-will pass on the info to Henry and ask him to monitor this great site.paul