
Hi guys,

after having flown our RV9a for a year, we have now decided to disassemble and do the paint job. It takes longer than expected, given that we have done some cosmetic repairs on the Canopy & the Cowling... But it will turn out great as it looks like (I hope so...)

In the meantime, I was wondering if someone can help me out on an option to TRACK THE PLANE DURING FLIGHT ONLINE.

I have a TRIG TT21 Transponder that is ADSB capable. I have connected my Garmin GPS 496 to it but for some reason it doesn?t really work. Does someone know if the 496 supports ADSB out or is it too old? Anything else I could have done wrong?

If the set up does not support it, what other (cheap) options do I have to keep my family on the ground happy to track me flying? SPOT is quite expensive, but it?s pretty much exactly what I am looking for in terms of function.

Highly appreciate your thoughts!
Happy weekend!

RV9a, D-ESVM, Germany based (EDHS, next to Hamburg)
thanks Mike!

Do you know by chance if the set up with my system of Trig TXP and 496 works? Is APRS the only alternative to ADSB?

Vinod, I do not know much about how the system works, but there are some folks here who are on top of it.

Read this, Lots of good info in the APRS forum here.

As far as other options to ADSB, I think this is about the best return for your $$ available.

Pete and Sam would be good folks to talk to------use the PM function maybe??

Also, is involved with the development and production of these units, I believe. Another good info source.
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Delorme Inreach

You might have a look at Delorme Inreach. Delorme uses the iridium sat network. The advantage to the delorme compared to spot is that you can send text messages linked to your cell phone even where you are not in cell tower range. You can tell the other side exactly what tools or supplies are needed, vs only four generic messages with spot. It also works for hiking or back country camping.
Try using Flight Aware on your computer. Just put in the N number of the plane and it will follow your track.
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Try using Flight Aware on your computer. Just put in the N number of the plane and it will follow your track.

Doubtful this will be reliable in Europe without ADS-B. We don't even reliably track VFR traffic here in the US, and our licensing agreements with overseas ANSPs are such that the data is even more restrictive.

An APRS system or something like that that works independently would be a better option for the OP here.


Send me an email at fly dot RV9A at GMAIL dot com I think I can help you with the 496 and the TT21 connection.