
Well Known Member
Thursday evening our airport (OVO, North Vernon, IN) had the annual Appreciation Dinner. I was invited. There was Gene Eaton, whom I hadn't seen in a while. Gene flew P-47's (also 51's and 38's) during the Big One. He sold his Tri-Pacer probably five years ago.

I asked when he was going to go for a ride in my 9A and he asked when I was going to invite him. So yesterday I did. He almost beat me to the airport.

After explaining that the 9A was almost exactly like his beloved P-47, we were off. He seemed quite pleased. Several people had told me Gene wouldn't take the controls since he sold the Piper, but I asked anyway. He laughingly refused. After a few minutes he asked if the offer was still good. I sat there for probably 15 minutes and watched an old (older than me, anyway) pilot enjoy himself. Needless to say his work was masterful.

Soon enough he said, "It's yours." The landing was nothing to brag about with winds gusting to 22, but all in all it was a most memorable flight. Guys, that's what it's all about. One of those logbook entries to smile about for years to come.

Bob Kelly
Flight to Remember

"....Guys, that's what it's all about. One of those logbook entries to smile about for years to come."

Bob, so true. :) Thanks for posting, made my day too.
One of the things I want to do when I get my plane flying is take WWII vets to DC. There is so much history out there that will be lost forever. I am glad you got a piece of it.
Great post. That's why I'm building... so some day I can share a ride like the RV with whoever asks (and maybe even some that don't). :)