
Well Known Member
I flew my RV-12 from Seattle to Cottage Grove to spend a few days with friends and made this side trip out to the Oregon beaches. The pictures were taken by my passenger, Deann Plocher.
We departed Wright Field in Cottage Grove. This little airport was dedicated to Jim Wright, a local business man and aviator, who built a replica of the Hughes H-1 racer. He was killed when the aircraft experienced mechanical failure and crashed on the way back from OSH in 2003. At transient parking at Wright Field:

Flying SW from Cottage Grove to intercept the Umpqua River then follow the river to Reedsport:

The mouth of the Umpqua at Reedsport:

Parking areas with access to the dunes. The sand car drivers have a lot of fun in miles of dunes here:

A few miles north of Reedsport lies the town of Florence. In the foreground is a staging area for climbing a huge dune. Looks flat in the picture but it isn't:

Florence has an airport right downtown:

The Oregon coast is very scenic and is great flying on any of our few sunny days. We had to wait a couple of days for the fog and mist to clear at the beaches to make this flight -- in July.

Nice write up and pictures Tony.
My Jeep wouldn't quite make it up that biggest dune. Ran out of ponies. Sand likes raw horsepower! The golf course in your last picture is Sand Pines. It is an excellent track and I highly recommend it to any golfer.
We are blessed here in the NW with such great places to adventure. Not so blessed with the weather to use them though......

Great photos!!
Thanks for sharing Oregon in July.

Sounds like you are enjoying your RV12
I'll SECOND that...

Thanks, Tony, for sharing your photos of this trip. The entire Oregon coast will be our playground when I get this bird flying, and we're really looking forward to it!