Well Known Member
Full disclosure as requested by someone on the forum. I DO NOT work for Catto Props or received any compensation for this test or post. I did purchased a 3-bladed Catto prop at full price for my fastback 4 and I have not been able to fly it yet.

Overall impression:
Large leap in performance improvement over the Sensenich fixed pitched metal prop during formation flight.

Current aircraft configuration:
-Lyc O-320-E2D
-160 HP/ 8.5:1 pistons / Slick mags
-Sensenish 2 bladed, Model 70CM, 70’ diameter, 78” pitch.
-Configuration for most test flights is 32 gal fuel, me (170 lbs) and 15 lbs of baggage. Total aircraft weight approx 1420. CG 71.6 inch.
-Short gear and old style wheel pants.

New prop:
-Catto prop: Next Generation. Length 70 in/Pitch 73

-approx 450 hrs on this particular RV-4
-FFI carded

A few days ago, I performed limited flight testing (7 hrs) for Mr. Catto. I qualitatively evaluated the performance of his prop on my aircraft as compared to the current aircraft configuration. This was not an engineering test as I did not have time to compare aircraft (weight, CG, etc.) and environmental (temp, DA, Alt, etc.) conditions. So you won’t see many performance numbers. This evaluation was an overall eval (pilot impression) at different uncontrolled operating and atmospheric conditions. The mission task I chose for the eval was formation flying as it would provide almost instant feedback when compared to a “stationary” flying aircraft. OATs varied from 95 to 112 deg F, altitude varied from sea level to 3,000 ft MSL, aircraft weight varied from 1100 lbs to max gross.

Engine starts:
The first engine start was eye opening because I did not expect to experience performance differences that early into it. As the first blade turned I could tell the prop had very low inertia. Once the engine started the aircraft launched forward and then rebounded back (a few times). The plane wanted to go flying already. I have not experienced that before with the Sen prop. And yes it was at approx the same RPM as I use normally. Every other start was like that even at idle power. Once I removed the Catto prop and reinstalled my Sen prop that did not happen again. Both props idled at the same rpm however I had to bump up my RPM to approx 900 on the Catto (vice 800 on Sen Prop) for lower engine vibration. I suspect this is due to the low turning inertia generated by the Catto prop. Once at that RPM the prop felt as smooth as my dynamically balance Sen Prop (dynamic balance with the Catto prop was not performed due to time constraints).

Taxing was also different, when I applied power, the aircraft responded quicker to the throttle input. I could tell that the prop was lighter immediately because tailwheel steering felt heavier. I did not see any noticeable RPM difference while performing Mag drop test. Static max RPM was 2,040 on the Catto vice approx 2,200 (have to look at log book for exact #s) on the Sen Prop.

Huge difference in this area. As soon as I put the throttle in, I can feel the prop grab and me getting pushed into the seat. The aircraft felt like it had more power and it wanted to fly. The RPM built up quicklyand I was flying a little earlier than usual on every takeoff.

Level flight:
Getting rid of the 2600 RPM limit imposed by the engine/Sen Prop combo was nice. At 3,000 ft MSL and 2650 RPM the aircraft felt very smooth. The aircraft was faster and the fuel flow was higher but I can’t quantify how much of that performance gain was due to a difference of an additional 100 RPM. I can say that the aircraft was approx 6 kts faster during those conditions.

Landing was comparable between both props. I did notice that due to change of CG I needed more nose-down trim than usual. Also, I needed to fly a few knots faster in order to maintain the same outside picture during landing. With 160 lbs of ballast on the back seat and 20 lbs ballast in the cargo area, I was using 80 kts on final to do wheel landings vice 75 kts. However, this is not due to prop performance. This is due to a change in aircraft CG configuration (more aft).

Formation flying:
The Catto prop shined during this phase. Position adjustments based on power inputs only were much quicker and crisper than the Sen prop. Aircraft reaction to my throttle inputs were almost instant. I could feel surges forward/aft, getting pushed into the seat with power increases and hanging on the straps when pulling power back (similar to constant speed ops but on a lesser scale). I did not expect that type of performance. I felt like I was cheating while station keeping. I purposely went sucked or acute in order to fix the problems and never had an issue, quickly being able to get into position. I joined as #4 with excessive smash and stuck it into position by mostly power changes. Based on experience, that profile would have been difficult to recover without multiple other fixes (cross control, extend outside circle, additional Gs) with the Sen prop. For the most part, throttle movements were smaller than usual due to not needing to overcompensate to then remove what input was previously executed.

Other notes:
¬ The new Catto prop is extremely light when compared to the Sen prop. I would definitely need a heavier crush plate if I made the change to this prop.
- The vibration and noise levels in the cockpit felt calmer than the Sen prop even without the dynamic balancing.
- I texted a picture to my wife and told her to check out the new prop on her plane. She texted me back and said she love it. When I got home she asked me why we still had the old gray prop. I told her she needed to buy it, not my plane.

Hope that info was helpful to you.

Just as a side note, we called Craig at almost 10 PM and told him the prop extension that I had would not work after I had taken my aircraft apart. He told my buddy to fly to his hangar and take whatever we needed off his plane. We took off the cowling and his prop extension therefore grounding his own personal aircraft for a number of days. Craig did not know me at all. I met him and his wife a few days later for a few minutes.

Pics of the next prop under development Shown below.



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Well, I tested the 2 bladed version and was very happy with it. Now I will be testing the first 3 bladed version. Hope to have some performance number for you in a few weeks. Below are some pics.




Good News Axel! Can't wait to hear more... Craig should have my replacement prop on the truck any day now. :D
Some numbers at 8,000 ft DA.

Static rpm was 2100

Climb at 110 kts (full fuel/no pax); RPM 2350

RPM TAS in kts
2100 125
2300 139
2500 155
2700 165
2730 WOT 166

During my trip back from the Kansas flyover i saw 167kts true at 10,500 ft msl turning at 2700 rpm. Man press was 19.8 inches. An unexpected results was that the cylinder and egt temps were closer to each other than they have ever been. More later. Over all impression is that the prop is very nice. I will be buying one.

Just some additional info. I was 1kt slower in cruise than a -6a with 180 hp.
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Thanks a lot for these interesting reports, not to mention the pictures, which really look good. A couple of questions:

1. Any impressions of differences between the two blade vs the three blade?

2. Do you know if Catto offers the service of cutting the spinner to fit the prop?

3. Has anybody mentioned what the concept or improvement is supposed to be behind Catto's new design? I see Smokey in another thread also said he was going to be testing and reporting on Catto's new design. I'm wondering what's new about it.



I don't have answers to all of your questions but I can tell you I ordered the Catto 3 blade prop and when I talked to them he mentioned the new generation prop had better climb performance and slightly better cruise compared to a similarly pitched previous version. Also Catto does offer custom cut spinners as a service.

I've tested a few props for Catto, and have been really in the three blade arena. But... the two blade is the way to go. I LOVE the three blade smooth performance, but hands down the two blade wins. Yes he does pre-cut spinners.
Thanks a lot for these interesting reports, not to mention the pictures, which really look good. A couple of questions:

1. Any impressions of differences between the two blade vs the three blade?

2. Do you know if Catto offers the service of cutting the spinner to fit the prop?

3. Has anybody mentioned what the concept or improvement is supposed to be behind Catto's new design? I see Smokey in another thread also said he was going to be testing and reporting on Catto's new design. I'm wondering what's new about it.



1) The two props were very very similar in performance. However, It is hard to compare them because they are test props and the blades keep changing designs. A little here and a little there. Also, the pitch is not always optimized for my particular plane. Mr. Catto is still wanting more out of his 3 bladed design. I am happy with it but he is not. He is making the second 3 bladed prop this week and it has some changes from the one on my aircraft. He should be testing it on his plane this week. I will test this current version for another month or so. Then back to my older 3 bladed Catto prop. I sold my Sen metal prop. It was very difficult to fly formation with the 2600 rpm limit.

2) he does and would recomend you go that route. He has a template and the process down.

3) he can tell you better than anyone else. What i can say is that the back of the bladed is very concave close to the root and goes flat at the tip. I had a conversation with him about prop aero. Good and interesting.

I now have about 30 hours on this prop in less than 2 weeks. I flew in rain on the way back from the formation flight in kansas and did not reduce the rpm. I did not see any damage on the prop.

If he ask me to test anything else, i will post the results.
I spoke to Mr. Catto today. He told me my 3 bladed prop is a 71X67. We got into a very interesting conversation about aerodynamic and pressure distribution on his props.

My bud is finally testing the second new 3 bladed design. He has made the same comments I have made.

-way smoother than the 2 blade, like a turbine engine
-more P factor
-feels more like a constant speed prop when you pull the power back

My bud was indicating 8-10 mph faster at the same rpms/altitudes than his latest generation 2 blade. He can't stop smiling. I think you guys will be happy with this version.

Just some info. Mr Catto had to add more carbon fiber to the prop in order to change the vibration characteristics of the prop to match the Nickel leading edge vibration characteristics. He said that is why the price went up on his props. He also told me he will be finally moving to his new shop this weekend.
Prop me up...

Thanks a lot for these interesting reports, not to mention the pictures, which really look good. A couple of questions:

1. Any impressions of differences between the two blade vs the three blade?

2. Do you know if Catto offers the service of cutting the spinner to fit the prop?

3. Has anybody mentioned what the concept or improvement is supposed to be behind Catto's new design? I see Smokey in another thread also said he was going to be testing and reporting on Catto's new design. I'm wondering what's new about it.



Yes, Craig sells pre-cut spinners matched to his props and are worth every penny. I have been flying his Gen 2.5 180HP 2 blade prop for quite some time now. It's my fourth Catto prop since testing his first RV 2-blade prop in 1998.

All of Axel's above comments made me smile as I noted the exact same comparisons back in 98.' At that time I was comparing it with my previous Sterba and Warnke wood props and the Sensy Metal was relatively new. Later I tested the Sensy metal prop on my RV4 and disliked it immediately. The 2600 RPM restriction, flywheel effect and heavier weight along with much poorer over the top acro had it for sale in less than a week. Besides, the prototype Catto had a 3000 RPM limit and my balanced/blueprinted 0-320 ran very smooth at that RPM (and fast). Many 0-360 drivers had glum looks as I passed them easily with my "150HP" Catto propped RV4. :) Craigs 3 blade props back then were inferior to the 2 blades top speed as I directly compared both props. Not true with his new blade design, the 2 and 3 are very close in overall performance.
I personally put over 1000 hours on that prototype prop and it's still flying today.

New 180-HP 2-Blade Prop
The Gen 2.5 180HP blade design currently on my RVX is significantly different from his earlier blades. Craig assured me Gen 3 is even more so. The new blades are wider at mid span with a significant AOA increase. The tip is much more refined. The Nickel leading edge has little drag penalty, apparently. (Roughly, a Props low speed performance comes from the hub-1/3 span. Cruise and top speed come from mid-span to the tip). I have an 0-360J2A stock 8.5:1 comp, 1 Mag/1 E.I. (soon to be 2 E.I.)

Takeoff: My RVX consistently gets airborne in 400' solo using a full flap deflection takeoff to ground effect. Initial climb at 2250/80 knots is 1200 FPM and it only gets better with higher RPM. 2300RPM/100 KIAS=2000 FPM to 5000'. Note: I recently performed a wing formation takeoff with a 200HP/Hartzell Sam James everything RV7A. I told him "Deguello" (no mercy) or simply don't hold back. Initially at full throttle he slightly pulled forward however, at 40 knots I was back in fingertip and airborne slightly before him. I could easily stay in fingertip in climb and actually had extra throttle to play with. We were exactly matched in cruise.

Cruise: 2450 RPM=160 KTAS@5000 MSL. WOT at 1000 MSL is 2800 RPM/183 KIAS. Impressive given my larger tires, 0 incidence on wing/tail and home made fairings.

Approach/Landing: I had to reset my idle RPM from 750 to 550 to allow 55KIAS STOL approaches to my short home turf strip. That's how much pull this prop has!

Overall a win win...
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Twos company...

Rob, are you running the new 2 blade or 3 blade?

I am running a prototype Gen 2.5 180HP 2 Blade. It is a slight improvement over Gen 2, not quite Gen 3.

Thinking of a new prop?

PS:Kinda like my RVX, not an RV4 but not quite an RV6 :)
New prop

I am! Sent Craig an e-mail this afternoon. The Sensi's been good, just feel like its time for an upgrade to go with the new engine.
2 or 3

Like Smokey, I've had the pleasure of propping the RV a couple of times. 2 blade, performance is good and I'm kinda fond of my fingers:)
Like Smokey, I've had the pleasure of propping the RV a couple of times. 2 blade, performance is good and I'm kinda fond of my fingers:)

I have propped my RV several times. Originally with 7:1 compression, no problem. I propped it once after the change to 9.5:1. Got my attention!
Now with 9.5:1 and 3 blades, NO WAY!
Real world data ?

Just been in contact with Catto about a "New Gen" Propeller, optimised for cruise for my RV -4. Nicole quoted 70" x 71" for the two blade. I noticed your test propeller with impressive data was 70" x 73" would you consider the 71" under pitched for maximum cruise performance on the -4 ?
Thanks in advance.
How does one speak with Craig? I always get the girl on the phone..

"The girl on the phone" knows more about props than many of us combined. Her name is Nicole and has been around that industry since she was born. If she does not know, she asks and gets back to you.

Have you ever spoke with the CEO of any of the other prop manufactures?
I would just always call and ask to speak with him. If no rush, I just dropped an email directly to him. Never was an issue. YMMV
"The girl on the phone" knows more about props than many of us combined. Her name is Nicole and has been around that industry since she was born. If she does not know, she asks and gets back to you.

Have you ever spoke with the CEO of any of the other prop manufactures?

I have never called any other prop manufacturs, but if I do the CEO`s ears are going to start ringing. So next time I call Catto, I will just ask for him.
I've been working with Nicole at Catto Propellers via email for the past couple weeks. (She's quick. The delays have been on my end.)

In my case, we are not talking of a "standard configuration" so it's not like the answers are in a book somewhere.

If she doesn't know the answers then she is in quick coordination with someone who does. Nicole has been outstanding to work with.
+1 on working with Nicole. I have had a Catto on my -8 for 12 years and love it, so I'm going to put one on my O-540 Bearhawk when it is done. Any questions I have asked her have been promptly answered.