
Active Member
I'm getting closer and closer to being ready to fly my RV-9A, and I am starting to think about writing my flight test plan. Is there a DB somewhere of previous RV Builders Flight Test Plans? I think that would be a good resource for a new builder like me who has not written a flight test plan before.

If there isn't, does anyone mind sharing their flight test plans with me?

RV-9A: Engine Wiring
flight test forum

Kevin Horton has posted some good flight test links on his website and there is a flight test forum somewhere on this site with Kevin's links and I think others. jack
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I put together a complete set of test flight cards that have been widely copied on the net. Kevin Horton has my originals there for my RV-6. I think they are a start although I plan to significantly improve them when I test my Rocket in a couple of months.
forum is hiding

If you do a search for "flight test" you can find Kevin's link. For some reason it's not showing up as a thread under education/flight testing??? at least I can't find it that way.
Here's a link to the flight test cards that I used for testing my RV9A. Also there is a condition inspection doc, and flight checklists. They were worked up from other samples on the net.

Andy's flight test cards
I've got links to a few test plans on my web site - I just added Andy Karmy's test cards.

Links to test cards

There is quite a bit of good guidance in FAA AC 90-89A, Amateur-Built Aircraft and Ultralight Flight Testing Handbook.

I had posted a welcome message to the forum with pointers to my collection of flight test info. But, I see that the default is to only show recent posts. So, I'll post a new thread with the links and make it a "sticky" thread so it will always be visible.
Thanks for all of the links! Looks like I have a lot of good information to read through!

Thanks again,