Kevin Horton

Well Known Member
I dropped the paperwork off at the Transport Canada regional office on Monday, so they could review it and issue me a Special Certificate of Airworthiness that didn't have the "No Passengers" or "Remain within 25 nm of Smiths Falls airport" restrictions. The new paperwork was ready today, and my course finished earlier than expected, so I zipped over there and picked it up. YeeHaw!!

And to cap it all off, they also removed the "VFR Only" and "No Aerobatics" restrictions. I had discussed my intentions to ask for those restrictions to be removed with the inspector, and had detailed the methodical approach I would take to fully evaluate the aircraft in each of these areas. He must have been quite happy with the approach I planned, as the new paperwork has removed those restrictions too.

It's been a very protracted flight test program. First flight on 30 Aug 2008, and finally out of the flight test phase 13 months later. Four months lost after the engine/prop overspeed event, and six months lost after the car accident, but finally out of the official flight test phase. I still have lots of flight testing I plan to do over the next few months, but I've done everything I intended to do before I started carrying passengers.

I want to take Terry up for her first RV flight ASAP, but we are stuck in the middle of a long spell of horrible weather. Nothing but low overcast cloud and rain showers. It might break for a few hours on Friday, but I've got a meeting from 10 AM to 4 PM, then a flight simulator session that won't end until around 10 PM. Drat. Hopefully the weekend will be better than the current forecast.
Well, all that's good news, Kevin.

Congrats on getting it done (and recovering from the auto wreck, it was you who got smashed up some time ago, right?)

Glad you're finally back "in the groove"! Hope to see you again next year at OSH.

If you're ever in North Georgia, (or even in S. GA.) let us know. I'll bet there's a bunch of RV'rs that would love to meet with you and check out your machine.

Wow, that's great to hear! I have been following your saga from afar (via these forums) since your overspeed incident. Your persistence is truly inspirational. Hopefully the fall Ottawa skies will cooperate. Best of luck.

Are you going to repeat the same test card that led to the prop overspeed?
Great news

Great to hear the good news! You've had a bit trouble over the last year for sure. I hope it's going to be all good for you from here on out.

Is Terry about healed up from the car accident? I seem to remember it was her back that was the problem.

Hope to see you guys at Oshkosh next year!

OK, Kevin, so I'm an evil person. I am secretly tickled inside that you and I will both make our first trips to Oshkosh in our RV-8s the same year! It's been a very long haul for us both -- yours just a wee bit more adventuresome.

Congrats on getting everything done. I'm getting there ... slowly but surely.

Now, don't go do something stupid. Forget looking for all the nooks and crannies of the envelope. GO FLY THE STUPID PLANE! :D :D :D

Congratulations, buddy.
I glad both you and your wife are both healthy enough to go flying again! Glad you got the hours flown off! Hope to see you Osh if not sooner should you be heading back to Savannah again.
Congrats again!

Wow, that's great to hear! I have been following your saga from afar (via these forums) since your overspeed incident. Your persistence is truly inspirational. Hopefully the fall Ottawa skies will cooperate. Best of luck.

Are you going to repeat the same test card that led to the prop overspeed?
I've already done that. The new inverted oil pickup did its job, and the oil pressure didn't move. I have had momentary oil pressure drops during some extreme steady heading sideslips with over 30 degrees of bank, and the aerobatic prop started going coarser and the rpm dropped. I'm satisfied that the issues that led to my overspeed have been beat to death.
Big congrats Kevin! Great news!

I guess with you and Don done that leaves me to cary the torch of longest build. :)
most excellent!

what a great resource you have been, and now it can continue with the flying part!!

thanks for all you have done for the rest of us
Well done Kevin !

Congrats for your certificate and for the accident recovery.

I'm very happy to ear that news.

I'm in 'long final' and hope to fly before spring (2010)

Enjoy your Terry's ride !
congratulations Kevin, anytime i get down i'll think of you and how well you have persevered through trial and hardship. Anytime you want to swing through central oregon there is a place to stay in a nice house if you like.