
Well Known Member
Can anyone point me to a set of Flight Test Cards for a RV9A that ti can use as a starting point. I found a very good and extensive example, but they are not editable.
I hoped to find a set I can start with and tailor my own plan for my RV9A.

Thanks for any help.
Find stall IAS on first flight

I strongly recommend at the end of your planned first flight and while still "at altitude" you slow down enough to determine the IAS at onset of buffet stall.

You really need to know what that IAS is before you get in the pattern and slow for landing. If you have a low end airspeed indication issue you don't want to find out accidently on short final.
I have a spreadsheet for testing TAS using GPS ... send me a PM with an email address and I'll forward you a copy. :)
Good info

It looks like all of these originated from the same source. I like them. It also gives me several perspectives. I will be able to take the ones that apply to my aircraft configuration and make a good set of flight test cards.

I strongly recommend at the end of your planned first flight and while still "at altitude" you slow down enough to determine the IAS at onset of buffet stall.

You really need to know what that IAS is before you get in the pattern and slow for landing. If you have a low end airspeed indication issue you don't want to find out accidently on short final.

I second this - I had to cut my first flight a bit short due to rapidly rising oil temperatures, and this was my final "must-have" item before first landing. You want to know what the gauge reads (right OR wrong) when the bottom falls out for that first landing.