
Well Known Member
Card 3 (on tomorrow's schedule) calls for a half-flap 60-knot climb from 1000 ft to 10,000 feet. Did anybody really do this? What does it really prove? I can see absolutely NO reason for this and cannot believe that anyone would be stupid enough to clinb 9000 feet at 60 knots with half flaps in the real world. Doesn't seem dangerous as some of the stuff they want a pilot with no spin/aerobatic training to do-- just seems unrealistic and time-wasting

Wayne 120241/143WM
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Maybe you could use this test card to determine Vx / Vy with flaps at different altitudes.

Maybe you can learn a little about engine cooling during extended climb.

Maybe you could learn power settings for 60kts at various altitudes.

There's plenty to learn from each test card. I hope you learn something from #3! Good luck!
Do you have to order the test cards from Vans separate ? There is nothing in my manual about them. I am still building, but would love to take a look at them. Its nice to every now and then read something else then Rivet numbers.
Flight Test Cards

Are part of the Production Acceptance Package you get with the final kit.

I'm sure I can learn something about 60-kt climb at lower altitudes-- just don't see any reason to carry this all the way ro 10,000 feet --TWICE!

Are part of the Production Acceptance Package you get with the final kit.

I'm sure I can learn something about 60-kt climb at lower altitudes-- just don't see any reason to carry this all the way ro 10,000 feet --TWICE!



Perhaps it was an atempt at CYA(however poor it may be... ;)) to cover both the folks in the flat-lands (you and I) and the fine folks out there in mountain country to determine climb performance of the airplane. I know I would like to know how my airplane climbs out from an 8,000 foot elevation airport at Vx/Vy BEFORE I find myself unable to climb above the hill right infront of me :eek:

Just my 2 cents, YMMV.... ;)

...if you are flying on a Sport License, you had better stop the climb at 9,999 ft....:)
I wouldn't have a problem with such a profile as long as the test require 60KIAS and not EAS/TAS. I'm not sure it is worth entering a discussion about increased stalling speeds at higher DAs in this scenario. As someone has already stated, operation at a DA of 10000ft or so is quite plausible.
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