
Well Known Member
Planning to launch my 10 this summer. Full Garmin G3X Touch panel and GTN 750. Just began flying again to regain currency. Looking for a flight simulator with comparable avionics. What about the Red Bird by Jay? Or other options?
I don't know of any sim that emulates the G3X Touch. However, Garmin does make trainers for the GTNs and G1000. I have the G1000 trainer and a legacy G3X system and the G1000 sim is "close enough" to get a feel for the logic and buttonology. However, truth in lending, I got my IR behind a G1000 before flying behind my G3X so I may be slanting the real G1000 to G3X cross-over benefit.


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G1000 sim is "close enough" to get a feel for the logic and buttonology.

I'd agree with this. I had about 30 hours in a G1000 182 before flying my G3X Touch RV10. It was a very simple transition. A G3X Touch is just like a G1000, but improved with Garmin's 10 years of EFIS experience, and many of the things that took a bunch of button pushes and knob twists are just at your fingertips.

There is also a GTN PC simulator that is free to download.
In my other post click on the 2nd link. Once that page opens scroll to the bottom. There's links for the free trainer there. Can't vouch they work though because my work is blocking it.
We have a new Elite sim with most of the bells and whistles at the Brighton, MI (45G) airport, but I don't think there's any avionics more recent than a 530 on it.