
Well Known Member
Hi everyone,

I am wondering if anyone knows of a desktop flight simulator program with a glass panel display similar to the Dynon Skyview PFD? I am in the finishing stages of my -7 and plan to take transition training, but I have zero glass cockpit time and could benefit from some desktop practice first.

I know there is no Dynon-specific simulator program available, but if anyone has experience with one of the commercial flight sim programs that is similar to the Dynon display, I'd appreciate a heads up.

I use the Garmin 500/600 simulator

using the G650 or 750 with it. It is a free download from Garmin and has the screens, navigator and an autopilot (sort of). While it is not "apples to apples", it is close enough to my AFS 5600T/G650/TT Vizion system that it is very useful. Also, I have it on my touch-screen HP laptop, 17", so everything is pretty realistic.

While certainly not a Dynon screen any simulator with a G1000 will give you a good idea of what it's like to fly behind glass. I use the C172 in MSFS2020 with the G1000 screens. Glass takes a little bit of getting used to but it's not too bad. I really like the way information is presented except for airspeed. I think an analog airspeed indicator is easier to read on the fly. Personal opinion though.
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jcarne.... I could not agree more. I never look at my glass ASI and rarely the altimeter. (I have steam back up ASI and altimeter). My eyes ALWAYS go to analog. I think the reason is because with analog you don't need the number the position of the needle on the face of the gauge tells you what you need to know at a glance.
There is an Eclipse jet simulator plugin for X-Plane that includes a glass panel supposedly modeled after the Dynon Skyview system. I am not sure how accurate it is. Also not sure if the panel components could be adapted to another simulated airplane.
There is an Eclipse jet simulator plugin for X-Plane that includes a glass panel supposedly modeled after the Dynon Skyview system.
That looks quite good! They should sell the EFIS add-on separately!
A bit off topic, but any recommendation for a laptop or system for the new FS? I downloaded all 150gb and it will not play on my nearly new Dell XPS 16gb system. I thought about just getting an x box but if I can get it to work on a laptop, that would be my preference.

My new laptop would not even come close

to working with MS Flight Sim --- it meets "minimum" requirements but hangs up constantly.

to working with MS Flight Sim --- it meets "minimum" requirements but hangs up constantly.


That is what mine does - and it exceeds what they say is min. Im ok buying a system strictly for FS - including 2 or 3 monitors for a full experience. Maybe a desktop stand alone system is the way to go. It would be nice to be able to take it when I travel but may not be possible.
I think the graphics cards are the big hangup for laptops (plus traveling with controls would be tough).

I built a machine for it, using a 2070 card till I can get my hands on a 3080 and still waiting for the alpha yoke (still need a good joystick too).

Unless something has changed recently it still only supports a single monitor, but I've been using Track IR and I really like it