tadpole rider

Active Member
My wife is going after her Sport Pilot license. Monarch Sky at Henderson Executive (HND) has a LSA program in a Remos. Does anyone know anything about Monarch before we put down our deposit on the intensive two-week-to-license program.
Any information will help.
Oregon pilot and future -12 builder.
I would carefully consider if an intensive 2 week program is the right answer...

They have lots of merits, but they also have their downside and are not for everyone.

It would be sad if she bails because She feel so overwhelmed by all there is to learn in such a short time period.

On the other hand the intensive focused learning environment with fewer distractions work well for many people and can be helpful.
I did an extensive flight review(Private Pilot) in the Remos at Monarch before flying my RV-12. I think they have two of these aircraft for rent and when I rented them last year they were well maintained and always ready when reserved. The Monarch staff were always very professional and courteous to me. I had not flown PIC or landed for several years and in about 6 hours I felt I was ready to transition to the 12 with Mike Seager. KHND has two nice long runways. Should be easy to learn to land here, and this time of year is generally very nice WX. Monarch has an extensive fleet and they are a growing business. I would feel safe giving them my money - I think the grand question is the expectation of 2 weeks to license. WX, aircraft availabilty, and personal challenges vary. Even though high wing aircraft, they fly very similarly to the RV-12. Their Remos have a Rotax 912ULS and a D-180/496 combination so that was good for me too. I think everything about my RV-12 is better than the Remos, except the Remos has a shutter on the oil cooler for winter warm up. The Remos is still a nice little airplane though and very suitable to prepare in. Let me know if I can be of any help locally.
Thanks for the replies. My wife will have at least ten hours in our 172 before going down to Henderson in December. It is her choice to do the intensive training. The LSA training choices in the northwest are few and far between. One we found wanted a commitment (contract) for a minimum of 50 hours for the license. So, we looked out of the area. Vegas will not be too bad a place to spend two/three weeks this winter.
I see no reason the "high intensity" training should be a problem to a person already very familiar with flying. Sounds like your wife should have no problem.

A total "newby" off the street would be a different matter.