
Well Known Member
With all the "social distancing" being recommended, what are RV pilots doing that need(ed) to get a "Flight Review" in April, May, and June of 2020?

When one moves to a new state after a flight review, what are you doing to find an RV friendly CFI for your fight review at the new location?
With all the "social distancing" being recommended, what are RV pilots doing that need(ed) to get a "Flight Review" in April, May, and June of 2020?

When one moves to a new state after a flight review, what are you doing to find an RV friendly CFI for your fight review at the new location?

I am told by folks at AOPA that they and the FAA have drafted and approved a temp measure to extend due date like BFRs and other things due to Covid. DOT has been dragging their feet on approval and the reason it isn't out yet.

A similar proposal for part 121 air carrier pilots for landing currency. Will extend 3 Takeoffs/landings from 90 days to 120.
I had my BFR canceled the day before my appt. Couldn't find anyone so I just started asking around and found a friend of a friend CPL/CFII who wasn't doing any corporate flying and needed some cash.
My IPC expires today and while it may be legal to fly IFR another 30 days, I know that I've not been flying enough IFR and my skills need some polish. Might get an IPC tomorrow, maybe not, whatever, but I don't have any trips planned where IFR would be handy.
It appears as as result of COVID, the FAA has extended the BFR requirements by 30 days provided you have three WINGS credits since January of this year. Has anyone checked with their insurance company to see if they have the same provision?


Unfortunately this relief only applies to flights under very specific circumstances, such as maintenance, re-positioning, or medical relief flights; not your everyday recreational flights. Not sure about the insurance angle, but if insurance requires a "valid medical" and the FAA says yours is "valid" for another 3 months, you should be covered I would think.

Unfortunately this relief only applies to flights under very specific circumstances, such as maintenance, re-positioning, or medical relief flights; not your everyday recreational flights. Not sure about the insurance angle, but if insurance requires a "valid medical" and the FAA says yours is "valid" for another 3 months, you should be covered I would think.


Yeah, I just re-read the SFAR and I now realize this only applies to flights under special circumstances. I'll have to see if I can find an instructor willing to give me a BFR when our area is re-open for business.
Flight Reviews

Any RV pilot that needs a flight review and/or an IPC I’ll be up and down the East Coast between May 18th and June 15th. I live near Columbia, SC. Newberry (EOE) is close and uncontrolled as well as Aiken (AIK) and others.

Please contact me via PM and we can see if we can get together to help you out. I’m willing to help out to get folks ready to fly safely since many have been taking a break for a month or two.

Flight Reviews, IPCs, Phase I, knocking the rust off in your aircraft, tail dragger, nose dragger, etc.

Have a great week and fly, but fly safe!

(Ask if you have questions, need references, etc...I’ve been well >14 days, not concerned about staying 6 feet apart.)
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No one needs a FR?

I guess no one needs a FR or IPC.

In case someone who does a search finds this and does have a need, there?s a CFI I know in Eastern PA who is available as well.

I?m sure all the well known RV transition training instructors are very busy with long lead times.
Formation flight review

My flight review is due by the end of July and I'm hopeful that things will change by then. However, if they don't...

I fly formation flights regularly with a pilot who is a CFI. Would it be possible to get a flight review with a briefed formation flight. The wingman could observe all phases of flight. The intent of the restriction is to eliminate close contact in the cockpit, which obviously is achieved by using a wingman/chase pilot.

My flight review is due by the end of July and I'm hopeful that things will change by then. However, if they don't...

I fly formation flights regularly with a pilot who is a CFI. Would it be possible to get a flight review with a briefed formation flight. The wingman could observe all phases of flight. The intent of the restriction is to eliminate close contact in the cockpit, which obviously is achieved by using a wingman/chase pilot.


As a CFI, I wouldn't be comfortable doing that (sorry). Two primary reasons:

1. We have to provide flight training. I get that you're flying, and the observation could be training, but that's really outside the intent that the FAA had in mind, IMO.

2. The regulation says that we must "...review of those maneuvers and procedures that, at the discretion of the person giving the review, are necessary for the pilot to demonstrate the safe exercise of the privileges of the pilot certificate."

I think it would be hard to convince anyone that I, as a CFI, from outside the aircraft observed every maneuver and procedure "...necessary for the pilot to demonstrate the safe exercise of the privileges of the pilot certificate"

Bottom line is, it's just too far outside the norm for me to be comfortable with that. Ultimately, it's up to the CFI signing the endorsement, I suppose...
It appears as as result of COVID, the FAA has extended the BFR requirements by 30 days provided you have three WINGS credits since January of this year. Has anyone checked with their insurance company to see if they have the same provision?


In my reading of the linked document under B. FLIGHT REVIEW (? 61.56), it specifically states:
The FAA finds, under the extraordinary circumstances of the COVID-19 outbreak, that extending the 24 calendar month requirement of ? 61.56(c) by up to three calendar months will not adversely affect safety, provided the extension applies to active pilots and certain risk mitigations are met. The three calendar month extension applies to pilots who were current to act as PIC of an aircraft in March 2020 and whose flight review was due in March 2020 through June 2020.

Since my BFR is due in June 2020, I understand it to say that I'm now good for 3 more calendar months or September 2020 as long as I get the 3 wings credits since January 2020.
In my reading of the linked document under B. FLIGHT REVIEW (§ 61.56), it specifically states:
The FAA finds, under the extraordinary circumstances of the COVID-19 outbreak, that extending the 24 calendar month requirement of § 61.56(c) by up to three calendar months will not adversely affect safety, provided the extension applies to active pilots and certain risk mitigations are met. The three calendar month extension applies to pilots who were current to act as PIC of an aircraft in March 2020 and whose flight review was due in March 2020 through June 2020.

Since my BFR is due in June 2020, I understand it to say that I'm now good for 3 more calendar months or September 2020 as long as I get the 3 wings credits since January 2020.

Only if you are flying for a few very specific reasons, such as medical flights or maintenance. Those are when "extension applies".

Since my BFR is due in June 2020, I understand it to say that I'm now good for 3 more calendar months or September 2020 as long as I get the 3 wings credits since January 2020.

Many of the EAA Webinars qualify for wings credit. I have 3 FAASafety.gov emails telling me that I have seen three this month.
My flight review is due by the end of July and I'm hopeful that things will change by then. However, if they don't...

I fly formation flights regularly with a pilot who is a CFI. Would it be possible to get a flight review with a briefed formation flight. The wingman could observe all phases of flight. The intent of the restriction is to eliminate close contact in the cockpit, which obviously is achieved by using a wingman/chase pilot.


It?s a fascinating ?what if? scenario. I took my Subsonex rating ride with a DPE who was standing on the ground, because it is a single seater, and there were no alternatives. But some might say that if you can do it for that, why not in other extenuating circumstances? I?m not taking a position one way or another - just saying that there are some interesting edge-of-the-envelope cases....


There was a point many years ago where the then BFR could be observed from the ground If a single seat aircraft was used.That option was specifically eliminated years ago. The key word is instruction. One of the interesting points is that a Part 135 or part 121 check ride may be substituted for a BFR. In both cases flight or simulator training is required once a year, the six month requirement in between is only a check ride including oral.

ASF.org covers all the requirements in great detail. 10 alternatives to BFR including 135 and 121 proficiency checks. NO requirement for a current CFI in either case. Paul appears to be covered under additional rating even though it was observed from the ground. Except for additional rating scenario observing a BFR from the ground is not allowed.