
Well Known Member
Anyone in a tailwheel RV need a flight review in SoCal? I'm a CFI and willing to do a flight review for free in exchange for a little RV flight time. I'm just about done with my RV, but still haven't flown a tail wheel RV and just wanna see what its like.
Anyone in a tailwheel RV need a flight review in SoCal? I'm a CFI and willing to do a flight review for free in exchange for a little RV flight time. I'm just about done with my RV, but still haven't flown a tail wheel RV and just wanna see what its like.

Unfortunatley. ?In exchange for a little RV flight time? can be considered a thing of value, and therefore compensation.....which is, of course, illegal in an experimental without a LODA. I?ve been doing some research for an article, and perusing FAA interpretations, and ?compensation? is a large portion of those interpretations. And wow - you can?t imagine how easy it is to get crossways on this topic!

Better to just ask if someone might want to give you a chance to fly in an RV!

Ah, good catch. I actually thought about this before I posted and thought it was ok because there is no money exchange, but i forgot about flight time being considered compensation.

Unfortunatley. ?In exchange for a little RV flight time? can be considered a thing of value, and therefore compensation.....which is, of course, illegal in an experimental without a LODA. I?ve been doing some research for an article, and perusing FAA interpretations, and ?compensation? is a large portion of those interpretations. And wow - you can?t imagine how easy it is to get crossways on this topic!

Better to just ask if someone might want to give you a chance to fly in an RV!


If you want some imaginative (but incorrect) ideas for your article on how to get around these rules, you need only read these forums. -:)
As I understand it a CFI can't provide an experimental and give flight reviews in it, but I'm not aware of anything stopping a CFI giving somebody a flight review in that person's own experimental?
As I understand it a CFI can't provide an experimental and give flight reviews in it, but I'm not aware of anything stopping a CFI giving somebody a flight review in that person's own experimental?

That?s true. And he can be paid in cash for his services. But he cannot be compensated by giving him ?free? flight time. Essentially, the airplane time is being used as compensation, and that is not allowed for EAB aircraft. This was the issue here.
Anyone in a tailwheel RV need a flight review in SoCal? I'm a CFI and willing to do a flight review for free in exchange for a little RV flight time. I'm just about done with my RV, but still haven't flown a tail wheel RV and just wanna see what its like.

I sent you a PM. Don't worry, I won't give you free flight time in my RV4. You'll have to pay me $1 for it. :D