Tom Martin

Well Known Member
We had a 8 day period of beautiful weather at the beginning of October and I was able to get my 25 hours flown off in 8 action packed days. Today after submitting the paperwork yesterday I got my final flight permit and the plane is ready for some adventures.
Nearing the end of the flight test period I was getting really comfortable with the airplane. Approaching the airport from the north I joined a mid field circuit at 1000 agl and immediately chopped power. At the time airspeed was about 100knots. A gradual curving approach easily had me make the field about 1/3 of the way down the runway, as planned. The RV14 is not a glider but it handled the situation with ease and it is a comfort to know that you can make the field if you are in a normal circuit. My rocket would have just made the field, maybe, depending on winds.
This little video was taken unbeknownst by myself, by Gary Wilcox. I believe it will give you an feeling for the landing.
Congratulations, Tom, on getting your hours flown off. Yes, we've had some glorious weather in October. While you were using it to fly off your hours, I was using it to finish preparations for MD-RA final inspection. Now I get to hope for flyable weather in early December or late November for a first flight, if all goes well. Meanwhile you can fly to where there is good weather. Well done!
Tom, love following your progress.

How did the 14 build and how did it fly *compared* to those other airplanes you've flown and built? A nice detailed review seems to be in order :p