Well Known Member
Trying to figure out what the equipment codes are for the new international flight plan format.
I have the Garmin 496 with Garmin GDL 84 ADSB-in and out.
Apparently we are going to be using the international format starting the end of August.
Trying to figure out what the equipment codes are for the new international flight plan format.
I have the Garmin 496 with Garmin GDL 84 ADSB-in and out.
Apparently we are going to be using the international format starting the end of August.

Equipment: B2

Radio equipment should be self explanatory, as should your transponder capability, but you haven?t provided enough info here for us to help.
I have a Garmin SL-40 com, Garmin 496 GPS, Garmin GTX 327 connected to a Garmin 84 ADSB (UAT). I think my code should be GVU2/E.
Equipment codes

Suggest you use one of the websites, (ie; Liedo Flt Plan,, ect) and create your aircraft profile. The website/app will apply your aircraft equipment code to your flight plan.
Portable GPS is not coded. It's a situational awareness and navigation aid, but not an installation carrying a "G" or "R" or better.

Non 8.33 radio is a "V"
Mode C, is "C"
ADS-B UAT Out, without IN is, "U2"
ADS-B Out with In is, "U2"

The out must meet 2020 rules by 2020, there are no, "In" rules, match what you have for in, if any, to your Out hardware's settings.

VCU2 likely.
I've read through the "new" (new to us) ICAO flight plan form. Most of it is straight forward, though very detailed. I did have some confusion on Surveillance Equipment.. Mr Google had to help me a little on this one.

E = Mode S, ID, Alt and Squitter
H = Mode S, ID, Alt and Enhanced Surv
L = Mode S, ID, Alt, Squitter and Enhanced Surv

It seems that "squitter" is the ability to send unsolicited messages, as in the case of what a 1090Mhz transponder does when sending out ADS-B broadcasts..

Ok.. so for newer -12's, the equipment is E or L..

From what I'm reading, "Enhanced Surv" is the ability for the xpdr to provide extra stuff to ATC such as selected altitude, baro setting, roll angle, TAS, IAS, GS, MH and some others. whereas non-"Enhanced" seems to only send very basic things to ATC like your Flight ID/tail #, airborne/ground status, and altitude.

I'm unsure of what our avionics packages actually send out to ATC in this area.. but after a quick survey of planes on, it seems only SOME airliners and no GA aircraft report TAS, IAS or OAT.. so I'm thinking most newer -12 (those equipped with 1090Mhz ADSB out xpdrs) equipment codes are E ?
The quick answer is that whatever you have on board, it's not providing "enhanced surveillance". That's pretty much restricted to airliner hardware.

As an example, our aircraft has a GNS480 GPS navigator/VHF comm/VHF nav, a second VHF nav/comm in the form of an SL30 and a Trig TT22 1090S/ES transponder. The ICAO equipment code for this aircraft is SB/EB1.

The earlier post about noting "VFR GPS on board" as additional information in the comments section is excellent advice and in keeping with similar advice received from Flight Service when filing flight plans. Similarly, I add a comment that the ELT is a 406MHz device to provide additional clarity.