
Well Known Member
Here is an inspirational video for those still building. I left Minden-Tahoe KMEV flew over Lake Tahoe and the last part of the video shows me landing at my home airport KRTS. I'm using a GoPro 1080 mounted under my left wing. You couldn't ask for better weather last Sunday!
Here is an inspirational video for those still building. I left Minden-Tahoe KMEV flew over Lake Tahoe and the last part of the video shows me landing at my home airport KRTS. I'm using a GoPro 1080 mounted under my left wing. You couldn't ask for better weather last Sunday!

You suck! I was standing in my garage on Sunday, looking west towards Tahoe drinking a beer after spending all day working on my -7, commenting to my wife what an AWESOME day it would to be flying, instead of in the garage building. Breezy, sunny, low 60's, not a cloud in the sky. For the first time I looked at my project and thought "I wonder if I should just sell it and buy a complete airplane."

Then I went back to installing the flap actuator.

Oh yeah, centerline is "optional!" :D Nice landing.
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I'm so jealous!

I can't wait to have Tahoe and the eastern Sierra within 10 minutes from the hangar. Sure beats back-and-forth over Texas coastal prairie!

Thanks for sharing.
How do you like your GoPro?


I really like the GoPro, the quality of the video is amazing! The video on youtube doesn't do justice to the camara. The camara took the video in 960p HD and you can actually see the texture of the runway during takeoff. It will record in 1080p as well, but my labtop won't play it for one reason or another.

I went to Best Buy to check out there video editing software, and the expert who helped me might as well been talking in German, but I ended up getting some pretty cool editing software by Sony, and after reading the directions for about 2 hours made this video.

I agree that I could do a better job of staying on the center line, will have to work on that:)
Nice job Steve! Cool vid, and I thought the same thing about the takeoff and landing...well done! (Oh, and next time Sig gives you a "right for lineup" call, just tell him you're fading cold for your wingman behind you ;))

So when are we gonna take some formation video? :D

(Sig, you gonna show out there for some motivation, or what?)

(I liked the music too!)
Nice job Steve! Cool vid, and I thought the same thing about the takeoff and landing...well done! (Oh, and next time Sig gives you a "right for lineup" call, just tell him you're fading cold for your wingman behind you ;))

So when are we gonna take some formation video? :D

(Sig, you gonna show out there for some motivation, or what?)

(I liked the music too!)

Hey Bob,

I look forward to doing some more formation training with you! Also looking forward to learning some basic aerobatic manuvers, which will make my videos all the more interesting:D
That's not Flying over Lake Tahoe...

That's not Flying over Lake Tahoe...


THAT'S Flying over Lake Tahoe!
Editing tool


Try AVSVideoEditor from AVS4YOU for editing your video.

It will easily edit HD video from your GoPro. What you might need is a faster computer with additional RAM to handle the HUGE file sizes when shooting at the 1080p settings. :eek:

Here is an example of some video that I shot/produced and uploaded to YouTube. I used a 1 camera, a couple of camera mount points on 2 different aircraft, over 3 flights to put this together.

staying on the center line

[I agree that I could do a better job of staying on the center line, will have to work on that:)[/QUOTE]

Looked as if you kept the camera on center line...:rolleyes:
Hey Bob,

I look forward to doing some more formation training with you! Also looking forward to learning some basic aerobatic manuvers, which will make my videos all the more interesting:D

Let's mooch a couple parachutes and go! :D

[I agree that I could do a better job of staying on the center line, will have to work on that:)]

Looked as if you kept the camera on center line...:rolleyes:

Yeah, yeah...that's it...that's what the good videographer pilots do! I like that call! :p

That's not Flying over Lake Tahoe...


THAT'S Flying over Lake Tahoe!

Yes it is! Nice! So's this:

Tahoe's a beautiful place, from any angle, eh! ;)

Looks like Gunbarrel at Heavenly in your windshield, Bob. I was snowboarding donw that 2 weeks ago!
Man I miss the Lake!

Great video! My wife and I used to live in Tahoe (we met there), and boy do we miss it. We still have friends that live there, but Denver, CO is pretty far away. I can't WAIT until I can fly into Tahoe in my own 10! When I used to live there, I would dream about taking off and landing there. Some day I intend to make that happen. Thanks for the shots and video.

P.S. I used to rip up Gunbarrel all the time on my snowboard... mogules.. schmogules!

Nice job Steve! Cool vid, and I thought the same thing about the takeoff and landing...well done! (Oh, and next time Sig gives you a "right for lineup" call, just tell him you're fading cold for your wingman behind you ;))

So when are we gonna take some formation video? :D

(Sig, you gonna show out there for some motivation, or what?)
(I liked the music too!)

LSO commands are optional, and quitters hit the ramp on speed.

The fleeting moments of free time I get I try to use making progress, although I do keep trying to get our to RTS.
Very nice video. I just got a GoPro and was wondering how to mount it. I know it comes with a suction cup that is supposed to hold up to 200 mph. Mounting it under the wing would be upside down.

Very nice video. I just got a GoPro and was wondering how to mount it. I know it comes with a suction cup that is supposed to hold up to 200 mph. Mounting it under the wing would be upside down.



There is a setting you can change, so that it will record video right side up when the camara is upside down. When I get home I will shoot that over to you.

As far as mounting I took one of there plastic mounts glued it to some scrap aluminum skin, then ran an existing screw from the right wing inspection plate right through the middle of their plastic mount and scrap aluminum skin.

It seems pretty solid, and I have tested it up to 204 mph. Initially I wanted to make an aluminum braket for it, but I don't think there is a need. I wouldn't rely on there plastic adhesive mount all by its self though
Looks like Gunbarrel at Heavenly in your windshield, Bob. I was snowboarding donw that 2 weeks ago!

Sure 'nuf! Epic snow, eh!

Yeah - but were you inverted?! :eek::p;)

More than I would care to admit!:D

Now that's funny! :D

The center line is for professionals.

Man, I hope when I get a video rig I'm never off centerline! :eek: (Of course that never happens! ;)) Always workin' it back to the middle! :) So does Steve!

LSO commands are optional, and quitters hit the ramp on speed.

The fleeting moments of free time I get I try to use making progress, although I do keep trying to get our to RTS.

What speed do non-quitters hit it at...oh wait, you mean they don't, right? I was using "hit" as a relative term...not the "big" hit! Not sure about optional though...I think I'd have more LSO induced scars if I thought that! ;) (I know you're joking!)

Get out there to RTS...or get us over there for a building party! NFL?

Great video. Minden will be my home port once my 7 is built

Cool, more lunch buds!
