Well Known Member
Still being new to this glass cockpit adventure, I learned the dark way a lesson the other day.
I have 4 glass displays; Dynon EMS, Blue Mountain Sport, Garmin 530, Garmin 696.

After adjusting panel brightness for a night flight the other day, upon shutting down, I did not brighten back the 3 of the displays (the 530 is self adjusting).
Starting up in the sunshine for the next flight, no matter what I did with my hands, cap, or twisting, I couldn't see any of the displays. When you can't see the displays, you can't see the prompts and menus to brighten the screen.
Had to shut down and push the plane back into the hangar and close the door to achieve darkness, to achieve the brightness.
What I've done to avoid having to put the plane into a dark area again in case I repeated this error, is to mark in the temporary flight log book which I carry in the plane, the buttons and sequence to push them, to achieve brightness for each panel.
I ran into a problem before, when the Dynon went into a dim mode by itself after shutdown one time. I should have made a brightness list then !!
Just shedding a little light on a potential problem.