
Well Known Member
Has anybody tried one of these Flight Gear Dual USB Charger sold at Sporty's? Specifically, does it generates enough RF noise to affect comms?


Specifically, does it generates enough RF noise to affect comms?

Dont have one, but I like that it displays buss voltage when nothing is charging, and amps when something is.

Someone asked your same question online on the Sporty's webpage that you provided the link to. For what it is worth, the reply from staff was that it should not affect radios. I think I am going to try one.

I use this version both for both pilot and pax with no discernible system noise



I have tried quite a few alternatives and the only one that would deliver more than 5 watts to the Ipad Air 2 and NOT introduce noise was the Anker Power IQ unit. Even Steins modified unit didn't work for me (noise free, but wouldn't send enough power to charge the Air 2- I understand it works well for earlier Ipads).

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Received the Flight Gear charger adapter and tried it out in my car, but not yet in the plane. On the plus side, it appeared capable of rapid charging my iPad Air, as it indicated 2.5 amps current when plugged in. The blue LED lights indicating voltage or current on the unit are pretty anemic however. Will try in plane next and see if any radio interference.
