erich weaver

Well Known Member
Dumbass question, but I’m asking anyway. What is the proper way to request VFR flight following when your planned route is not direct and has a few dog legs in it? Do you just say your final destination and then “via x and y” ? I have always just gone direct previously.
I typically state my destination and provide a couple of key "via" waypoints if not direct. BTW, always be sure to cancel your FF with ATC and receive ATC's acknowledgment of your FF cancelation -- otherwise ATC may initiate "lost aircraft" procedures to determine the fate of your flight.
X Center NXX request…
NXX Go with your request…
NXX is X miles SW of airport X at 3,500ft requesting VFR flight following to KXXX via Point XYZ at 3,500ft we are a Experimental RV-8A.
They will issue you squawk, you ident they pass you altimeter and tell you maintain VFR, altitude your discretion.


You tell them the airport you are flying to and say you will fly N/S/E/W for so many miles prior to your destination. Trucker comm works too.
They don’t generally care too much. If they want to know, they will ask what your intended route is. I wouldn’t bother telling them the route if the radio is busy.
X Center NXX request…
NXX Go with your request…
NXX is X miles SW of airport X at 3,500ft requesting VFR flight following to KXXX via Point XYZ at 3,500ft we are a Experimental RV-8A.
They will issue you squawk, you ident they pass you altimeter and tell you maintain VFR, altitude your discretion.


You tell them the airport you are flying to and say you will fly N/S/E/W for so many miles prior to your destination. Trucker comm works too.
Just so you know, some controllers hate the word "request". It's not in their handbook, and of course you have a request, why else would you be calling them? Just tell them who you are (N48HT, RV10 slash uniform), where you are (5 miles southwest of Tracy, VFR at 3 thousand 5 hundred), and what you want (request flight following to Red Bluff). If you have the local altimeter setting throw that in (we have information Victor at Stockton). Do not ident unless asked to do so. I generally advise them of altitude changes but not small course changes unless they request them.
Just so you know, some controllers hate the word "request". It's not in their handbook, and of course you have a request, why else would you be calling them? Just tell them who you are (N48HT, RV10 slash uniform), where you are (5 miles southwest of Tracy, VFR at 3 thousand 5 hundred), and what you want (request flight following to Red Bluff). If you have the local altimeter setting throw that in (we have information Victor at Stockton). Do not ident unless asked to do so. I generally advise them of altitude changes but not small course changes unless they request them.
Very true, but if I just start rattling off this entire sentence they will just ask me to repeat it again. I can only be as efficient as the guy on the other end. That initial call is just to get their attention. I know it’s probably not in the JO 7110 phraseology.

Sorry I forgot to add you ident when they ask you to ident which is almost always in my area with military controllers.
Very true, but if I just start rattling off this entire sentence they will just ask me to repeat it again. I can only be as efficient as the guy on the other end. That initial call is just to get their attention. I know it’s probably not in the JO 7110 phraseology.

Sorry I forgot to add you ident when they ask you to ident which is almost always in my area with military controllers.
I hear you. If you want attention, just say your call sign and "over". In my local area we have at least one sensitive controller, and when someone calls up with "request" everyone on frequency is subject to a 30 second tongue lashing about radio usage. Others don't seem to care so much, or are too busy to say so.