Flight Cheetah FL 190

I was about to buy a Garmin 496 when I read the comparison with the Cheetah in aviation safety. The Cheetah's screen is much bigger and the annual fee is MUCH less. Do any of you have first hand experience in comparing them?
Get yourself a Motion LS800 and you could put any of several moving map applications. The Flight Cheetah does look interesting though. I'd like to know what folks think too.
the annual fee is MUCH less

Annual fee for what? On their website I see $199 annual fee for database, $99 additional for high/low en route charts. WX is through XM and would be same price as 396/496. Price of unit is $1895 and WX is addtional $595.
Aviationsafety.com showed when comparing the 496 to the Cheetah fl190 that the subscription rate including wx is 975.00 vs. 199.00. I do not find the Cheetah ads in AOPA/Pilot or EAA Sport Aviation and I feel sure that our group has the expeience to know what the relative value really is. Thanks!
I have no personal experience with the FL190, but a close friend purchased one for his C-182 as a navigation supplement for his Garmin 530 in the panel.

When he first went to use the FL190, he had to run wiring for power, antennas, XM receivers and a few other things...basically covering his cockpit with wiring. For that reason alone he wasn't very impressed and is now getting ready to sell his unit and look into a G396/496 instead.

I took a few seconds to look at the FL190 and, in my own opinion, it looked like an overgrown Palm Pilot...nice if you don't mind that interface. :cool:

Just something to think about...
Another minus for me is that there is no interface with the Tru Trak autopilot. However, they said they were working on it. I want the GPS steering.
Just started flying with an FL190

Though I'm planning on a panel mount GPS and glass cockpit in my -10 (wings), I use the FL190 in my Cherokee.

So far it's great. Yes, it's "just" a Windows Tablet PC, but I have not had any trouble. I guess if I loaded it up with a bunch of ****, and used it for Internet and email all the time it could be a problem. I see the fact that I can check my email once in a while as a positive.

Like ANY portable units, there are wires. If you spend 30 minutes being smart about routing them, it's no problem. I have one power cable going to the unit and one USB cable leading under the seats where I placed a USB hub to connect the XM receiver (under the seat) and the two antenna's (one mounted in each rear window area with velcro. There are not "wired all over the cockpit" as stated in other posts. When I tested it out, that was true, but after working on it it's pretty clean.

It has a much better screen than the Garmin 496, and the subscriptions for chart, plates, approaches, and approach overlays are pretty cheap compared to Garmin's prices.

Two additional features (on top of everything the 496 does) are "best altitude" for fuel burn based on XM wind data, and cheapest fuel search - updated daily.

There are many different overlay possibilities so you can see whatever you want to see while enroute. I particularly like the approach plate overlay and the low-altitude chart overlay.

Customer service seems to be excellent. They're releasing a Highway-in-the-sky module sometime in the future. It's starting to look like a portable BMA unit.
Any Pireps on Flight Cheetah?

Has anyone used Flight Cheetah FL190 from True Flight? Is it bright enough? Can it be used to steer an autopilot?

There have been many posts on the FL190 as it compares to the Garmin 496. I'm sure a few seconds of searching will find you tons of info! :D
Now that you've had the unit for a couple of months, how do you like it? Is the screen bright enough? Any/all thoughts appreciated!:confused:
Thanks, my first attempt at searching didn't return any hits, I must have done something wrong. Got my answers!:eek:
Several years ago I purchased the flight Cheetah Software (TrueMap) from Aviation Safety. Put it on a Motion M1300 with a WX Works Receiver and used it in a variety of pressurized twins and some high performance singles. Really liked it but it was large, Bulky, and difficult to see in the sunlight with its 260 nit screen. It also routinely crashed the hard drive above 11,000?. When I started flying the F1 I purchased their flight Cheetah 210 with a solid state hard drive. It is a stand-alone unit with a 100o nit screen that could be viewed under a bubble canopy in direct sunlight. The drive didn?t crash in the thin air. It ran on a skinnied down Windows NT system and occasionally crashed just because. Aviation safety was great to work with and they discounted the price of my 210 by the amount I paid for the original software for the M1300.

I sold the 210, along with my update subscription, with much regret when I installed the G4 BMAs in my new plane and purchased a Garmin496 as a backup. The original FL190s were on Motion M800s with a 280 nit screen and they just were not real readable in the light. The Samsung Q1 was no better.

The Samsung Q1 Ultra is the unit they are using for the FL190 now. It has a brighter screen (300 nits) and many more features than the vanilla Q1.

Recently I bought my wife a Q1 Ultra for her birthday. While playing with it I loaded my old TrueMap software turning it into a Flight Cheetah 190 but I needed the unlock code and several years of updates. Called Aviation Safety and it turns out (correctly so) that when they gave me the credit on my old software I really was no longer supposed to use it. They could have compelled me to pay for the software plus updates. But they were nice and gave me the code and only charged for updates. How many companies would do that?

Flew from Southwest Mississippi to Princeton New Jersey and back last week and ran the 496 side by side with the Flight Cheetah 190.


The FL 190 has a much bigger screen and is slightly easier to view than the 496 when in Terrain mode (not obstacle mode) in even bright sunlight conditions. When you turn the terrain off on the 190 it is hands down easier to view.

The FL 190 is easier to operate and navigate through menus with it?s on screen buttons than the 496 with its small buttons and rocker pad. This is in clear air and very mild turbulence.

Propensity to crash

Neither even hiccuped in 12+ hrs of flight time.

Cables attached to unit
Weather was severe clear so I did not use weather. Each unit had only 1 cable for the GPS antenna. Ran off battery power only. Fully cabled up each unit would have 3 cables?weather, antenna, aux power.

Refresh rate

No noticeable difference in refresh rate or speed at which units changed screens.

Information available and degree of difficulty in obtaining it.

No significant difference. The Flight Cheetah will be a bit more difficult for a new user who is used to the Garmins but with practice it is just as intuitive as the Garmin.


Both units can display the Zaon traffic although I do not have it the FL190 display is larger and a bit more concise from what I have seen.

For IFR pilots

The Cheetah has approach plates and enroute charts co-located so you can follow your flight on them if you wish. The 496 does not offer these charts.

Battery life

I have the long life battery on the Q1 Ultra; it was still going strong 1 ? hours after the Garmin quit. (without weather unit attached)
The Garmin drains much more quickly when weather is attached. The Flight Cheetah will not power a weather receiver. The WxWorks receiver has to be powered by the aircraft.

The added benefit of the FL190 is that the Samsung unit is a real computer and can be used for all those things while travelling that you use your laptop for.

I actually like the new flight Cheetah well enough I am thinking of getting rid of the 496

What follows are several side by side photos of the 496 and Flight Cheetah 190 in bright indoor light conditions.





All in all I think the FL190 is a marvelous product. I think the windows bugs have been worked out and it is quite reliable.

I think for at least my purposes it beats the Garmins by a mile or more.

Another thing I did on this trip is I donned the IFR hood , turned off my EFIS and tried to fly the plane by the flight instrument page on the 496.

I don't know about an RV but in the F1 anyone who uses this for back up in IFR better never need it. I give you 5 minutes before a spiral.
Milt, looks good.

Couple of questions:
Can the Cheetah take input from a 430 (IE flight plan update)?
Can the Cheetah control AP or send radio data out, say to a SL30?

Couple of questions:
Can the Cheetah take input from a 430 (IE flight plan update)?
Can the Cheetah control AP or send radio data out, say to a SL30?


No and No strictly a moving map and database.
Hey Milt, how is the Gryphon/Bulldog doing????

All fixed???

I havent seen any updates for a while.
Well Done! Excellent write up and photos.
Interesting the FL does not have serial out. Might be a show stopper for some folks.
Thanks for the work on this.
...I don't know about an RV but in the F1 anyone who uses this for back up in IFR better never need it. I give you 5 minutes before a spiral.
Milt, thank you for the good comparison. FWIW I tried the back-up pseudo panel with a 396 on my RV-6 and had no difficulty controlling the airplane and flying a course. What I did realize is that that is pretty much all you can do. If you had to fool around with changing screens and so on, I don't think you could keep control.
Hey Milt, how is the Gryphon/Bulldog doing????

All fixed???

I havent seen any updates for a while.

MT prop arrived today.

Almost all of the damage has been repaired except for (uggggh) sand and paint.

I elected to build a new wing 2 feet longer than the old one for better high altitude performance and am about 60% done with that.

Have not yet started on the landing gear and wheel pants.

I have also decided to do all those things you would do differently if you were building another plane mostly avionics, wiring, and convenience/comfort items.

The damage was surprisingly little and if I had just decided to repair rather than modify receipt of the prop would have me airborne. As it is I am just going to take my time and make everything exactly the way I want it. Unless of course my wife wants it different.

Also have been busy with the F1. Found an engine mount crack at condition inspection so had to take the engine off to replace that and have been updating some of its systems and wiring.

F1 is flying again expect the bulldog to be back in the air early spring.
Interesting the FL does not have serial out. Might be a show stopper for some folks.

I think the aviation safety folks have considered this but I am not sure.

Remember this is a windows computer with no airdata or magnetometer input.

Great for VFR moving map and weather and a great electronic flight bag for charts and plates. I do not think its intent ever was to drive the plane and I am not certain I would want windows XP doing so.
I elected to build a new wing 2 feet longer than the old one for better high altitude performance and am about 60% done with that.

Entire new wing!!!! Or just add to the tip???

Unless of course my wife wants it different.

Smart man.

Also have been busy with the F1. Found an engine mount crack at condition inspection

Hmmmm is this something you should write up and put out there for other F-1 folks to check ????

Thanks for the update.
Hmmmm is this something you should write up and put out there for other F-1 folks to check ????

All the early kits developed cracked engine mounts sometime after 200 hrs. Well known to those with the affected models. I was lucky and got 550hrs out of mine.

Actually building an entire new wing with some other mofds other than just tip extensions.


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Thanks Milt, I appreciate it, and I suspect others out there were wondering also.

Nice hanger--------shop area on the side, insulated too boot!!
Apparently now Wx Works now has a reciever through Aviation Safety that is smaller than the old one and is powered through the USB Port. That means 1 less cable.
Just flew to Fort Pierce and back on a nice sunny day so I left the 496 and WX at home and took the Samsung /True flight (Flight Cheetah 190) to see how it looked under a bubble canopy in the sunlight.

The first 2 photos are of the BMA units in the panel turned up to full bright.
The 2nd two are of the Flight Cheetah 190 at full bright sitting on the tunnel in the F1. One is in terrain mode the other in chart mode. The glare you see on the BMAs is the sun glare on the camera lense and was not visible on the EFIS.

It was about 2 PM EST and the sun was high at about the 11 oclock position.





As you can see it is very readable in fairly bright conditions. When you bring it up off the floor and mount it on a bulkhead or the panel the terrain mode is too difficult to read to be useful but map mode is better than the 496.

The trip home took me across Tampa/Orlando airspace, over Tallahasse> Crestview>Pensacola>Mobile>then Southwest Mississippi. Those of you that have flown this route know that it is almost continuous special use airspace heavy with commercial and military traffic.

One of the things I like most about the Garmins, is the ability to scroll the cursor and quickly obtain info on the airspace ie: type, floor, and ceiling. This info is also contained in the Cheetah just a little more difficult to get to.

The flight home was 3&1/2 hours. Stopped in Mariana (MAI) for a whiz break, fuel, and to stretch my legs, total time from Fort Pierce to home was 4&1/2 hours. Left the Cheetah running on the ground and when I got home the extended life battery still had 2&1/2 hours of life left on it. Clearly more battery life than either the aircraft fuel capacity or my bladder capacity.
For those using computer based moving maps with weather weather works now has a USB powered reciever eliminating the need for an additional power cable.