pierre smith

Well Known Member
If any of you have flown both an RV-14 and an RV-10, could you reflect on how they compare. I have a friend who has completed an RV-14 and wants transition training in my -10. I'm not sure that the two airplanes correlate.

Any advice?

I do not recall the 10 stabilizing as well as the 14 in slow flight and I find you can fly the 14 slower as well. Controls a little lighter but not a hole lot. Visibility much better.
I also have a question, on the 10, grass and hard surface, when the wheels leave the ground, there is a thrust and pitch change due to the lack of drag. There is no noticeable change in the 14 and I'm wandering why? (sort of related to OP question)

Ron, I think the extra weight has a lot to do with it. The -10 has quite bit bigger footprint and a lot higher empty weight and when the engine and airframe lift off, a lot of drag disappears, IMO.

Is the -14 as sensitive as the -6 or -7 on the controls?

Not in my experience, no. Remember that there is a huge variation in responsiveness in the older aircraft becasue the shape of the trailing edges of ailerons and elevators has so much to do with it. The -14's should be more consistent.

The -14 is more stable than the older two-sweaters in my experience, but I still have a very differnt feel when I fly the -14 versus a -10. I really don't see them as that similar - visibility, sight picture, weight.....I don't see them as similar enough to qualify as a checkout.

Then again, if the pilot is very experienced, he won't have any trouble flying either of them "cold" I suspect. SO the real quesiton is the purpose of the checkout. If it is for insurance, I doubt they'd see the two airplanes as similar. If it is for actual pilot skill development, I also think there's a mis-match there, with a lot of that becasue of the different sight pictures.

I've noticed that little zoom on the 10 on grass. It's the relatively small tires versus weight, I think. Not as bad as a 210.
Paul, the -14 owner has several hundred hours in his -7A he recently sold but he seems to think that with the -10's wing, it should be close, hence my questions. I gave him transition training in that airplane, years ago.

Paul, the -14 owner has several hundred hours in his -7A he recently sold but he seems to think that with the -10's wing, it should be close, hence my questions. I gave him transition training in that airplane, years ago.


With that much -7 time, he could just get in the -14 and fly it in my opinion. If it's a matter of getting current in "something", then he can do that in anything, and will find the -14 very easy to fly.
