
I'm New Here
Hello RV8 owners!

I like what I have read about the RV 8 and considering building or purchasing one. Do you know any RV 8 owners in Michigan that would be kind enough to take me up for a ride so I can see first hand what the RV grin is all about? I currently fly an Archer and grew up with my dads Bonanza and Cub.

Thanks for your help!

There are a good number in Michigan with an -8A under construction in Midland (It might be done by now.) and a flying -8 in the Cadillac area.

All the short wing RV's fly very similar. For an introductory ride, I suggest you go up in a -6 or -7. The reason is that most -8's don't have rear rudder pedals or instruments. (I can only think of one -8 with even a GPS in the back seat.)

Good luck on your quest!
Michigan flight

If you'd like to see and take a ride in a 7A let me know, I'm based at Z98 (Zeeland, MI).
