
I'm New Here
Hay guys as many of you may know there is a German couple named Detlef and Liliana flying an RV 7 around the world, Well I recently began exchanging emails with them and had extended an invitation for them to stay with me as they passed through Texas but unfortunatly I am in the middle of moving to Montana and cannot accommodate them. That being said I come before you the RV nation to see if anyone in the Houston area would be willing to put them up for a night or 2 next week and possiably host a hanger party? They are a very nice couple who have an incredible amount of stories and I think it would be a lot of fun to host them for a night or 2. PM me if your interested and we can exchange contact info.
I can vouch for them.

Detlef and Lili stayed with us for a week earlier this year on their way up to Oshkosh. We had a BALL! You don't want to miss those two.
Wow....they are really flying around the world several times, with a route crossing every longitude and latitude.
We have a couple of extra rooms at our place just East of San Antonio
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Detlef and Lila shared a campground with us while we were at West Yellowstone, KWYS. Great people. Great stories.
We offered them a room in Florida when they are enroute to their winter lair in the Dominican Republic.
Place to stay in Houston

My wife and I could put you up for a couple of days in SW Houston if you are interested, let me know.

Dave Syvertson