
Well Known Member
It has been a while that I have had time for fun stuff. Been years since I even wrote a post here. I think I have a good excuse.:rolleyes:

We bought land late fall of 2016 to one day build our dream home and have our own runway. Spring of 2017 we began work but manage to slip away to the Maritimes for what would be our last vacation for almost 3 years. (Still need to take a break) We built a Barn, fencing, runway and just recently finished our new home all while going to my day job. All done by my wife and I along with the kids, no contractor. I thought airplane building was a lot of work.:D Our old home will soon get on the market then we will build the last step when it sells, the hanger at home!

With the lack of spare time there was a lack of trip flying. I did fly almost weekly but that was to drive to the hanger and fly the plane to the new place to work. It made for a good distraction and looked forward to know I would fly again that day.

With the house project coming to a close we are starting to see some time freeing up. My son and I decided to take a Saturday off and jump in the ten. Gavin has sparked an interest in Video making/ editing. He is now 13 and can just reach the pedals to start taxing the ten. He catches on very quickly but still does not show a tremendous amount of "I can't wait to go flying". I will not push him but hope one day the spark really gets lit. If we have a destination or a purpose to fly he is all in and can't wait to go.

Flying for us has always been how we traveled. Its like jumping in the car for a road trip for the kids, its how they grew up. Our daughter Emma on the other hand is raring to go flying anytime. Looking forward to finally have more time to fly with them. We have a 150 that they use to learn on and I prefer them learn on it so they can pound it to the ground instead of the ten.:eek:

We jumped in the plane and heading direct for Flagstaff (Alberta) for home made treats made by Shelly, the local lady that puts on the monthly fly in. Gavin got in the left seat so he could gain more experience. I don't mind flying from either seat and figured this would be good for him. We met some great people there and departed for Wetaskiwin to meet up withe several guys from our flying club for lunch. After a full belly we headed for Olds/Didsbury for some fuel and then the last leg for home. Gavin got a bit tired at days end requiring a nap on the way home. That 540 does it every time. It was a great Saturday spent with my favorite boy.

The next day he spent many hours learning a new editing program and worked many hours straight on the edit until it was done. I think he did a great job. We then got a few new things ordered for filming that he was very excited about. I hope to get out again soon so he can make use of all his new gadgets!

Here is the link of our day.
Good job Gavin!

Troy glad to see you back online! Your PIC did a good job on the video. It's fun to see him sleeping in the left seat :D
Good to see you back Troy. A local pilot just recently bought an RV-10 from Alberta and I thought it might have been yours when I first heard about the purchase. But a quick look at it a few weeks ago soon squashed that thought. We sold our 10 and I now have a 14A.
Good to see you back Troy. A local pilot just recently bought an RV-10 from Alberta and I thought it might have been yours when I first heard about the purchase. But a quick look at it a few weeks ago soon squashed that thought. We sold our 10 and I now have a 14A.

The only way I would sell the ten is if I built another one first.:D
Nice to see a new video from you. While my wife and I were building our 10 we watched your flying adventures as we planned our own.

You were the first person I met at CEN4 when we moved to the Calgary area. After we landed at the end of our flight from AZ you chased us back to the hangar to introduce yourself and help us play airplane tetris in the hangar. I already knew who you were from your videos but I think I was too tired to even mention it. I hear you on the radio from time to time so you still manage to find an hour to go flying once in a while between projects.

Good luck with the rest of your property projects. Our paths will cross again soon I hope. I promise I'll be more personable next time.