Having lived in Bellingham for 3 yrs (and Puyallup for 22) and spent some time in and around that mountain I enjoyed that video thanks for taking the time to share your flight.
That was spectacular, especially at full size on the monitor. Very different to the landscape we have around here. The sound track might not suit everybody, but I liked it.

Great video! Like Airman said ... wish we had scenery like that in FL ... FL is flat as a pancake. Music was a great touch too. Thanks for that inspiration for me to take some trips in my -12.
Steve, very nice video, fantastic scenery for Atlanta, Ga types like me, and a testament to the absolute faith you have in your airplane.
Dick Seiders
Absolute Faith

"Absolute Faith" is never justified, but an aircraft will glide a long way from the top of a mountain into the valleys, especially an RV-12. So, I would consider the risk to be justified.

Not Quite "Absolute" Faith

It looks a bit more daring in the video than it really is. Yes, the right wing, the side the camera is on, was at some times as close as 500' from the snow, at the same time the left wing was quite a bit higher. Also, what is not so easy to see is that this particular mountian is on the westward edge of the range and from most points there is an uninterrupted, or at least relatively uninterrupted, glide path to the valley floor 8,000 - 10,000 feet below. Also, not shown is that there is an airport about 15 miles away. And the RV-12 makes a pretty good glider.

This also brings the weather into play. On this particular day there was alomost no wind. Comparing ground track to true airspeed there was maybe 2 kts from almost due south. It wasn't even enough to create a "burble" over the peak. Most other days the wind would be far too strong, unstable, and bumpy to even think of getting that close, not to mention the strong down drafts that can form on the back side.
This video, along with the other one from Mt. Hood brought much cherished memory of cimbing those mountain ranges many years back. Who is going to be showing us a video of Mt. Rainier, Liberty Ridge in particular?

Awesome video indeed.
Steve, thanks for explaining the survival glide option. I also wondered about the turbulance usually associated with mountains, and you clarified that as well. Thanks.
Dick seiders
This video, along with the other one from Mt. Hood brought much cherished memory of cimbing those mountain ranges many years back. Who is going to be showing us a video of Mt. Rainier, Liberty Ridge in particular?

Sorry, no video, but I threw some picts together of Rainier, Adams, Hood, 3 Sister/Broken Top, and Bachelor for you to reminisce about your climbing days. I sure prefer flying over than slogging up, but that was fun 15 years ago!
North Cascades

The north cascades are especially magnificent, more like AK. Glad you got a good day to swing around the mtn! The day after I flew around Mt. Hood there was a large lenticular over the top all day!
Steve, thanks for the video. The quality of yours is just superb. And the scenery is not too bad. he he. Loved it.

What hardware do you use to get such a product. Camera? Mounting? Please post a photo of the setup.

I watched it in awe twice before someone pointed out your IPAD. I want to mount mine in that location as well, how does it work there regards to reflections and easy to read?

As Mike Rhodes has already pointed out, a couple of weeks ago (11/19/11 to be exact) saw perfect conditions for flying right up to the mountains of the Northwest. Here is another video a little further north around Mt. Baker.

Works Good


I find that hte iPad mounted there works well. I can read it easily and get to all the buttons. It is hard to read, however, in very bright sunlight, particularly with the sun right over your shoulder shining right on it. I find that if I hold my face just right and use the correct squint I can get the information I need. Worst case scenario I can take it out of the mount and hold it in my lap.

I found that all of the screens, Garmin, Dynon, and iPad need to be really dimmed at night or they throw a glare on the canopy.
Thanks, I m hoping that my Koger top shade, and the heavily tinted aftermarket rear window will cut that even more. I made a velcro attached awning for my garmin in the Ercoupe, worked very well.
I find that hte iPad mounted there works well. I can read it easily and get to all the buttons......


Thanks for the details on the camera. Could you also provide some details on the iPad mounting, maybe with a picture or two? I've been trying to use the iPad on a knee board, but it is pretty clumsy and gets in the way sometimes.

Will Do


I'll take some pictures when I get out to the hangar this weekend. Essentially, it is just a Ram mount bolted to the glove box door.