Michael Burbidge

Well Known Member
Hi All,

A week ago I went to go flying and found that my nose wheel was completely flat. I pumped it up to 45 lbs., waited an hour and checked it. It was still at 43 lbs., so I figured it was a slow leak and went flying.

I ordered a new inner tube. I went up to the hangar today to find that the nose wheel was still above 40 lbs.

So now I'm puzzled. Why would my nose wheel be completely flat, but apparently does not have a leak, because now it is holding air again?

I had a tire go flat on me one time when the tube's Schrader valve didn't fully seat after adding air.

All it took was adding air back into it again, and then double-checking to make sure the valve stem was fully extended when I was done. I guess a little debris had gotten in there and lodged against the seat/seal....

Just one way it can happen....

Edited to add...it was a sloooow leak...it took like a day and a half for it to become noticeable...
If you are losing 5 lbs a week you have a leak. How bad a leak may depend on exactly where it is relative to the ground, when parked (e.g., right where the tire flexes?)
If you are losing 5 lbs a week you have a leak. How bad a leak may depend on exactly where it is relative to the ground, when parked (e.g., right where the tire flexes?)


Normal rubber should lose a max of 1 PSI per month. Anything more is a leak

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Just a hint, but possibly you moved the Schrader valve and moved some dust/debris out of the seal. Not positive, but I would remove it and clean it off or replace it.
My xperience

Had a flat nose wheel on my RV7a because when I put on the tube, it was pinched between the wheel halves. Small leak but eventually went flat.
I had a flat nose tire because the valve cap gasket was dislodged, and pressed on the center valve when I replaced the cap (after what I *thought* was a conscientious TP check causing a slow deflation) Unfortunately I didn't discover the flat until landing, ahem.... I ended up replacing the tube and tire anyway.
Parker O-Lube

...when I put on the tube, it was pinched between the wheel halves.
I always spread a light coating of Parker O-lube around the inside diameter of the tube and have never had one pinch since I started doing it that way. When I push the wheel haves together, I listen for a nice, metal-on-metal "clink".
Recent experience

Hi All,

A week ago I went to go flying and found that my nose wheel was completely flat. I pumped it up to 45 lbs., waited an hour and checked it. It was still at 43 lbs., so I figured it was a slow leak and went flying.

I ordered a new inner tube. I went up to the hangar today to find that the nose wheel was still above 40 lbs.

So now I'm puzzled. Why would my nose wheel be completely flat, but apparently does not have a leak, because now it is holding air again?


Although I don't have a front tire, I just changed the tube in a main. When examined closely post removal, the tube was fine, but the valve was NFG.
I believe it was damaged while trying to re-inflate it without a valve stem extender. This caused the tiny button to be pushed to one side causing a failure at the inner valve seat.
