
VAF Moderator / Line Boy
Hey Doug - Flash asked me to post this letter for him...
Dear Dad,

I am having a great time on my Houston vacation! Mr. Dye has been taking good care of me, and even cleaned off all of those bugs. He asked me if some of them dated back to the Jurassic Period, but I didn?t know what he meant ? he sometimes confuses me like that.

Today he took me to go and see some of the local sights. I tried to get my wing in the pictures so that the airplanes back home would know that I was really there. The first place we went was to see what he called ?the birthplace of Texas?. It looked to me to be the tallest thing around, and was made out of rock ? I would hate to run into it if the clouds were low.


Right next to it was a big blue and gray ship that he called a ?Battleship?. It looked like it might be a fun place to visit on the ground some day. It?s really old, and Mr. Dye said that it is stuck in the mud!


After he took me across the big Galveston Bay to fill up on gas, he treated me to a few of those rolls that you like to do so much. I like those! He said that he thinks I am really quick and light compared to other airplanes he flies. I think he meant that as a good thing! On the way home, we flew over a bunch of boats and ships that were all lined up between the ocean and Houston. Mr. Dye said that they were playing a game called ?Texas Chicken?, but I didn?t understand that. It looked to me like the traffic pattern back home, when sometimes airplanes come to close, and I close my eyes.


Just before we landed, we flew over the Johnson Space Center, and saw some rockets, and a bunch of buildings. He said that there were people there that had flown way higher than I ever will. I sure wish I could go really high like them!


Mr. Dye told me that he is still trying to figure out how to land me properly. I think he does OK, but certainly not as good as you! He thinks I?m harder to land than the other airplanes he flies?maybe it?s just because he isn't very experienced like you. I notice that sometimes, when he thinks he is reaching for my throttle, he puts his hand on my canopy latch instead. I?m glad it has a lock! He also flies with the wrong hand sometimes, but maybe he?ll learn.

The weather is really nice, but it?s supposed to rain on Saturday, and he says I might have to stay an extra day or two because he doesn't want to fly me in the clouds. That?s OK with me ? maybe he?ll clean the oil off my belly if I stay in his hangar long enough!

Hope you?re fine too,

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Second that!

Paul's posts are always a great read, but this one is something else! :D I caught myself reading it in my head with a funny voice like a child was speaking.! :confused:
Careful, Paul. Flash will get home and all he'll be talking about is "Mr Dye let me do this..." and "Mr. Dye let me do that...."

That stuff can make a man ornery.

You might want to go with the "mean old uncle who occasionally slips me a quarter" approach in the interest of keeping family relations. (g)
Geez, you get offline to eat dinner for a couple of hours <g>.

Iron, that's the funniest thing I've seen in a long time. You fly him all you want!

Does this count as 'practicing for when the kids go to college'?

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You guys keep acting like Paul wrote that - didn't you read the post carefully? You see, it is Doug's airplane that wrote it. You will make Flash feel bad if you keep acting like Paul wrote it. ;)
Ah, of course. Flash wrote it.

In that case, Doug, you're perilously close to the aviation version of the day your kids tell you to drop them off a block away from school.
Flash is running with a fast crowd now.:D
I'm thinking he's going to have so much fun down in Houston that when he comes back he won't mind me :eek:!

Where's that POH for Valkerie? <g>

Best post I've seen here! Hilarious...and I read it hearing the little kid voice too!

Very cute letter Flash! :)

Anybody see the movie, "CARS?"
Maybe Flash will be asked to star in "PLANES."
I just hope Flash doesn't develop a voice that sounds like "MATER."
I can hear it now...Dougie opens the hangar door, and a voice says, "GIT'R DONE!"

Laughing all the way... :D
rv7boy said:
Anybody see the movie, "CARS?"
Maybe Flash will be asked to star in "PLANES."
I just hope Flash doesn't develop a voice that sounds like "MATER."
I can hear it now...Dougie opens the hangar door, and a voice says, "GIT'R DONE!"
Laughing all the way... :D
I'm good with a movie as long as Ed O'Neill gets to be the voice of Flash (Al Bundy).

Very nicely done

This was great!

Doug, you are a very generous and trusting person. I suppose though that you could not have found a more careful, conscientious person than Paul.

It's pretty neat to have something that you enjoy that much and lend it to a friend so that he can enjoy it too and share your enthusiasm. It reminds me of standing at the RC field flying a great plane and just dying to share that experience with someone, so you hand the transmitter over to someone you trust.

Really good stuff guys.
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Just catching up on the forum after being on the road. I gotta jump in on this one -

Iron, or should I say "Mr. Dye," you have outdone yourself. Hilarious. Now you've got me walking around with mental images of those cartoon airplanes with faces who fly around talking and stuff. "Hey Wings, watch me loop-the-loop!" "Wow, Flash, that was really neat!"

Keep it coming, Mr. Dye!
Glad you all enjoyed Flash's letter - all I did was write it down for him!

Flash consented to go flying with me again this afternoon, and taught me how to land him properly. We went over to Winnie, TX, a nice runway with no witnesses anywhere nearby, and did a bunch of three-pointers and wheelies until Flash was satisfied with my technique.
I added about an inch of cushion so I could see over the nose a little better (us -8 drivers are spoiled....), and that made things a little more clear.

Now I think he's gonna rest for the weekend - the forecast is for nasty, with occasional ugly this weekend. I'm sure he's looking forward to going home when it clears up! ;)

Valkyrie is probably wondering if I abandoned her....

Ironflight said:
...We went over to Winnie, TX, a nice runway with no witnesses anywhere nearby, and did a bunch of three-pointers and wheelies until Flash was satisfied with my technique.
I added about an inch of cushion so I could see over the nose a little better (us -8 drivers are spoiled....), and that made things a little more clear...
It sounds like you are kind of confirming what I feel. Of all the RVs, the 6 has the poorest over-the-nose visibility. That doesn't mean I want to trade mine in though. It still doesn't compare to say a Pitts or a Hellcat or something and people are able to fly those just fine.
Ironflight said:
snip...Valkyrie is probably wondering if I abandoned her....
LOL. I checked on Valkyrie yesterday and, while a little lonely, she seemed OK.

People think -6 taildraggers are hard to land, but I tell people the key is to simply do about 100 TnG's and you'll be just fine <g>. I remember landing Danny's -8 and all that forward visibility kinda made me antsy.;)

Glad Flash is having fun on vacation and meeting new friends! My baby is growing up so fast...



I wouldn't worry too much unless Flash starts mentioning any side trips to Padre Island this time of year. :eek:

Until College........


Thanks, the rumors of my death and all that...(actually came a little too close for comfort).

But this is Flashes thread so thanks but we can talk more on another thread if you want.

Be well all and thanks for all the concerns.

Flash goes home....

Well, as all adults know, vacations have to end some time, so I took flash home to Doug's place yesterday afternoon. I had a lot of fun playing with the guy, and left him with a few souvenirs of the trip. Maybe he'll share them with Doug!

I enjoyed getting the chance to fly a -6 for awhile, and found the handling qualities delightful - quick and light. Landings took a little while to dial in, but using the AOA indicator to dial things in made the transition easier.

It was great getting back into the Valkyrie this afternoon for the trip home, like putting on an old friend - but it is always interesting to get a chance at something new, and once again, thanks to Doug for the opportunity. Let's see, serving jury duty, no time off for good behavior....maybe Flash can have a couple of days with the free run of the hangar before the "old man" gets out there to check on him.

With his expanded view of the world, I'm not sure it was wise to leave him in the hangar with Beautiful Doll.....without a chaperon, that is... :p

Thanks again Krash!
