
Well Known Member
We have an active group of RV flyers here in the Northeast. Some fly more often some less. We call ourselves Flash Mob Squadron. There is no membership and no dues. We usually invade a small flyin on a very short notice or even unannounced, eat all the food, if there are any single women we kidnap them and disappear. For a year then strike again...

When The Agitator comes from the South we fly very often.
Here is a report of a regular weekend here. It starts with a breakfast in New Hampshire then swimming in Catskills to work that breakfast out. Then a party lunch in Upstate NY followed by a desert on other airfield and everything is topped by a nice dinner in Canada.

... My RV is now parked 5 minutes from the place I live. Dream isn't it? The only catch is there is no roof and I am unpainted but who cares. It's time to fly!

The same N-number all tied down. Holding the parking spot and looks legit.

Passed some farms.

A little narrow bridge.

The Statue.

The Sing Sing.

Local Infantry School. Woke up a platoon of cadets.

Run Forrest run!

Two more hours and I arrived. Hungry.

Here is the Grand Marshal greeting everybody.

Intervale NH86

Here we are at Intervale.

Presented by RVs 3,4,6,7,8,9.

Bob, the airport owner fed everybody.

We ate a lot the day of fun has begun.

After breakfast we had our personal air show by Mr Stearman himself. Very impressive pirouettes.

Show is over. Up to the next leg...

From here we started losing airplanes. Family obligations other commitments effectively reduced the Squadron in half.

Only Fred had a legit excuse. He has to run to his strip and tell everybody that "soon-to-be-hungry-again" RV Armada is on the way.

The way to swimming was fun. I couldn't dust off my tail this RV8A.

I go low trying to hide in terrain folds, Claudio still hunts me. No way to get rid off this guy he has more power and fully aerobatic. Then I remembered I've read a book in high school about WWII pilots and their tricks. So I cautiously gained some altitude got close to a puffy cloud and hopped into it. Fell out on the other side and wohooo no Claudio! :D

We landed at Freehold NY and had a good time swimming. Some details and pictures are here


I didn't know the Klameiers are into a sailplane business.

Excuse me Sir where are you going your prop is missing...

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On next leg to Tim Botsford strip I was boxed. No fun was allowed no rodeo no low flying no nothing.

Only Turbo did a low speed pass. He has the highest seniority in RV Union he can do it. I stayed high jealous.

Tim's strip was like a mini Triple Tree. Nicely manicured runway a lot of parking and plenty of great food.

A lot of interesting people and airplanes. Now I know they do it every year. Calendar for 2015 bookmarked.

Looks at this RV9A awesome!

... another half of RVs are lost in transit. Andy (Agent Orange) and I made it to Marcellus International for a cup of coffee and donuts.

The Orange crew will stay here and I will continue to the Great North...

A grill is fired at Smiths Falls, Canada...
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You needed a -10

Dang, I wish it would have worked out while we were in the neighborhood. You needed a -10 to fill out the Van's stable. Looks like a ball was had by all.
Just wondering where the runway pic next to the water fits into your flight from home to intervale? Interesting runway. Not Parlin Field. Not intervale. Epic day. Great wx.

I believe this has been one of the best summers I can remember in the north east. 12 out of 13 weekends perfect wx. Another coming again.
Just wondering where the runway pic next to the water fits into your flight from home to intervale? Interesting runway. Not Parlin Field. Not intervale. Epic day. Great wx.

I believe this has been one of the best summers I can remember in the north east. 12 out of 13 weekends perfect wx. Another coming again.

Its a private strip between Poughkeepsie and Danbury on the South side of HWY 84. I have never seen activity, I fly low over the rwy often. There are (2-3) King Airs and a Chieftain parked there.

One day I drove there and jumped the locked fence walked down to the rwy to find any life. No joy. I did see two house boats and one Home with cars parked just no human life. So I walked back to me car.
Those of us who have had the privilege of flying with the Russian know to:

1) Look low
2) Look over the roads. (He flies mainly IFR- 'I Follow Roads')


3) If 1 or 2 doesn't provide acquisition, look for the swimming hole!

(distant flash mob member)
..... snip....

(distant flash mob member)

Dan missing you here brother good times good times...

... the longest fly in day continues. Out of 13 RVs only 1 made it to Canada. Ken Tattersall thank you for the invite! We still have to talk about that past time when we were young and on different sides of the fence but very close...

Smiths Falls.

Ken built a very nice (and expensive) hangar with a Cave in it. I would call it Canadian Van's Cave. In that cave there are two RVs, a project and a Pitts. There is an apartment and a paint shop...

We had couple adult beverages to gain some appetite.

Then we went to the other hangar the biggest hangar on the field. I was told not touch anything and no camera was allowed.

This beauty was sitting outside.

Ken's Van's Cave has a bar with personal bartender. Steve, an extraordinary
craftsman and mechanic, is behind the bar. He is a magician, he repairs unrepairable and restores unrestorable. He also knows many US formation teams members by first name. Hi Steve that hoppy was just right.

It's past midnight, time to talk aviation.

There was a steak and wine and other tasty liquids. There was a performance by an aspiring actress... Then there was a call which put the end to the party. Legally I have to wake up at 9 am. I didn't watch TV and I didn't check my emails I went straight to bed.

8 hours of a good sleep and no headache. Wow, do I still have a brain? Couple spy pictures of Ken's beautiful RV8

and I am out to Ogdensburg. Where is my CBP crew? They usually drive from the crossing right away.

Let me go check on a Titanic before customs.

All clear good to go. Everything goes backward on Sunday. I found my way to Marcellus International NK71.

Cup of coffee at some thousand feet.

Met Agent Orange and all day we were roaming places no RVators go on Sunday thanks Andy and Alison for a good company. We have to come back you know where and for what...

Ken's cave

Vlad, your words are too kind! Had a fun evening, glad to meet up and share stories. Hope we can do it again sometime, I'll have more of the tasty hoppy stuff for you!